
Optimism Persists in a Kentucky Town Where a Carmaker

Brought Jobs




Published: February 8, 2010
GEORGETOWN, Ky. — Before Toyota arrived here more than two decades ago, Georgetown was a sleepy town of 10,000. Its population has since swelled to 25,000, and most of those people owe their livelihood to the sprawling Toyota plant outside of town on Cherry Blossom Way.
Kentucky州 Gerogetown - トヨタが20年前以上前にここに来る前は、Georgetownは人口10,000人の
のどかな街だった。トヨタが来て以来、人口は25,000人に膨らみ、その大半の人々は、Cherry Blossom

People here are eager to see the company’s recall problems blow over.

“I think they can get it worked out,” said Jeni Gruchow, co-owner of Fava’s restaurant in the heart of town. “It happens to other companies. It’s horrible that it’s happening to Toyota.”


「俺は、トヨタはうまくやりぬくと思うよ」 街の中心にあるFava"s レストランの共同経営者 Jeni Gruchowは



In Georgetown, which is about 15 miles west of Lexington, and other cities where Toyota operates plants in the United States, life is starting to return a bit more to normal this week, as they resume full production after weeklong shutdowns to fix a problem with accelerator pedals.





In interviews, residents here expressed confidence that Toyota would thrive again. The town and the automaker are inextricably linked — the first Camry rolled off the line in 1988 — so it is of course in everyone’s interest to see Toyota out of the headlines.





“Toyota’s past will take care of its future,” said George Lusby, the county judge-executive who holds the top administrative post in the county.

「トヨタのこれまでの過去が、未来をうまく処理してくれるでしょう」 郡の上級判事であり行政職の

トップにあたるGeorge Lusbyは語る。


The mayor, Karen Tingle-Sames, was just as optimistic. “Really, the community has a lot of confidence in Toyota, that they will be able to work through and fix everything they need to fix and get on top of everything,” she said.

市長のKaren Tingle-Samesは、まったく楽観的だ。「実際に、地域社会は、トヨタに大きな信頼を寄せて




Just down the street from Fava’s, Jason D. Mays, a regular at the Lock and Key Cafe, drained his mug of coffee and speculated about the muted response here to Toyota’s woes.

Fava"sレストランから通りをちょっと行った先、Lock and Key Cafe常連の Jason D. Maysは、コーヒーを



“In my honest opinion,” he said, “I do not think it’s as important to people as the Friday night Scott County game or the Saturday Georgetown College basketball game because they have enough faith in that behemoth of a plant three miles down the road, they are really not worried about it.”

「正直に言うと」彼は言った。「みんなにとってそのことは、金曜夜のScott Countyの試合や土曜にある

Georgetown Collegeのバスケットボールの試合ほど重要なことではないと思う。なぜなら、みんなが




Perhaps residents were heeding the editorial last Thursday of the local newspaper, The Georgetown News-Graphic. “Rest easy, Toyota is on the job,” the headline said. Mike Scogin, the publisher, said he wrote it to encourage everyone to take a deep breath because he felt “there was a little bit of piling on going on.”

たぶん住民たちは、先週木曜日の地方紙・The Georgetown News-Graphicの社説を読んだことだろう。

ヘッドラインにはこうあった。「安心して休もう、トヨタは仕事をしている」 新聞社主、Mike Scoginは




Toyota’s reputation was not earned overnight, he wrote, nor was it “bestowed because the company is reckless.”




“In many parts of the country, Toyota is a brand,” the editorial added. “But to those of us here in Georgetown and in Kentucky, we know Toyota because we are Toyota. Our friends, neighbors and family members manufacture the cars in question.”

「この国の多くの土地では、トヨタはひとつのブランドだ。」社説は語る。 「しかし、ここGeorgetown、




For more than a week, Mr. Scogin said, Toyota news has dominated the front page of the newspaper, which is published three times a week.

一週間以上、Scoginは語る- 週に3回発行される新聞の一面は、トヨタのニュースで埋められてきた。


By Saturday, coverage of the murder of a former school bus driver was the top story. There is hope here that the full-court press on Toyota will peter out. As Doug C. Smith, a regular at Fava’s, said on Friday. “This, too, shall pass.”


消滅していくことに希望がのぞく。金曜日、Fava"sの常連・Doug C. Smithが言うように、「このこともまた、



But the coverage is likely to continue with a House committee scheduled to hold hearings on Wednesday about Toyota’s handling of the recalls.




If the tone is anything like the remarks of Ray LaHood, the transportation secretary, who last week briefly advised Toyota owners to stop driving their cars, confidence here may give way to anger.

もしそのトーンが、運輸長官のRay LaHoodが先週、トヨタ車の所有者は運転を止めるべき、と警告した



“Why is this different than any other recall?” asked Jack Conner, executive director of the local chamber of commerce. “Why the magnitude of this concern, when this is something that happens in the business a lot?”

Ford, General Motors and others have had problems over the years without the national media attacking them, added Mr. Lusby, the judge-executive.

「なんでこの(トヨタの)問題は、他のリコール問題と扱いが違うんだ」 地方の商業会議所の執行役員、

Jack Connerは疑問を投げかける。「この騒ぎの大きさはなぜだ?こんなことはビジネスの上ではよく

起こることなのに。」 Ford、GMや他自動車メーカーは何年に渡って問題を抱えてきたが、国のメディアは



Meanwhile, not even the beloved Kentucky Wildcats provided total escape from the sting of Toyota criticism.

そうこうしているうちにも、愛するKentucky Wildcats(注:バスケットボールチーム)でさえも、



During a game Saturday afternoon, the announcer praised Kentucky’s standout guard, John Wall, by comparing him to a Toyota: “He hits the acceleration, then slams on the brakes,” he said, then added “Even better than Toyota. The brakes work, so does the acceleration.”

土曜午後の試合のなかで、アナウンサーは Kenruckyの優れたガード、John Wallをトヨタになぞらえて













토요타 미국 공장이 있는 거리에서는, 지금

Optimism Persists in a Kentucky Town Where a Carmaker

Brought Jobs


자동차 메이커가 일을 가져온 켄터키의 거리에서는 낙관 주의가 건재


Published: February 8, 2010
GEORGETOWN, Ky. — Before Toyota arrived here more than two decades ago, Georgetown was a sleepy town of 10,000. Its population has since swelled to 25,000, and most of those people owe their livelihood to the sprawling Toyota plant outside of town on Cherry Blossom Way.
Kentucky주 Gerogetown - 토요타가 20년전 이상전에 여기에 오기 전은, Georgetown는 인구 10,000명의
한가로운 거리였다.토요타가 온 이래, 인구는 25,000명으로 부풀어 올라, 그 대부분의 사람들은, Cherry Blossom
대로 가에 퍼지는 토요타의 공장에 그 생활을 지고 있다.

People here are eager to see the company’s recall problems blow over.

“I think they can get it worked out,” said Jeni Gruchow, co-owner of Fava’s restaurant in the heart of town. “It happens to other companies. It’s horrible that it’s happening to Toyota.”

사람들은, 토요타의 리콜 문제가 불어 그치는 것을 간절히 바라고 있다.

「나는, 토요타는 맛있게 해 구라고 생각해」거리의 중심에 있는 Fava"s 레스토랑의 공동경영자 Jeni Gruchow는

말한다.「이런 일은 다른 회사에도 일어나는 것이야.그것이 그 토요타에 일어났기 때문에 자 큰 일 , 은 일이다.」


In Georgetown, which is about 15 miles west of Lexington, and other cities where Toyota operates plants in the United States, life is starting to return a bit more to normal this week, as they resume full production after weeklong shutdowns to fix a problem with accelerator pedals.

Lexington의 서방 약 15마일에 있는, 여기 Gerogetown나, 미국의 다른 토요타 공장을 가지는 거리에서는,

이번 주, 생활은 원래대로로 돌아오기 시작하고 있다.토요타가 액셀 페달 문제를 수복하기 위한 1주간에 이른다

조업정지를 끝내 풀 생산을 재개했기 때문이다.


In interviews, residents here expressed confidence that Toyota would thrive again. The town and the automaker are inextricably linked — the first Camry rolled off the line in 1988 — so it is of course in everyone’s interest to see Toyota out of the headlines.

인터뷰를 통해서, 여기의 주민들은, 토요타가 다시 활력을 되찾는 것을 확신하고 있으면 표명했다.

거리와 토요타는 밀접 불가분의 관계에 있는

TOTAL: 17992

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