
Please email resume to: hwgz01@gmail.com 

Contact LINE: dd_44968 or Kakao: dd44968 for more information 

About the Job: 
We"re looking for brilliant & multilingual full time customer service professionals to join our team in South Korea. Working as part of a dynamic Asian Support Centre, your role will be to provide “best practice” in customer support. You will work as a community advocate supporting hosts and travelers for our client. 

Work Location: 韓国、富川 Bucheon, South Korea 

Salary & Benefits: 
> Monthly salary 200,000 – ¥260,000 
> 2 days off per week (Rotational Shift) 
> Social insurance 
> Retirement payment system 
> Staff facilities (nursing room, cafeteria, sleeping room etc) 
> Job training provided. 

Relocation Assistance: 
> Monthly Housing Allowance (¥29,800)* 
> 1 time Air Ticket Allowance to Korea (¥24,800)* 
> Korea Working Visa Assistance** 
> We welcome people with H1, D10, F2, F4, F5 or F6 visa 
*For overseas Japanese applicants only 
**For work visa sponsorship you must meet the following requirements: 
1) University graduate 
2) At least 1 year working experience in either hotel (or hospitality); international sales / trade; interpreter; travel agency; or call center. 

Job Responsibilities: 
> Answer phone calls and reply emails received from worldwide travelers. 

> 24時間シフト月曜日〜日曜日 
> 1週間に5日間の仕事 
> 1シフトにつき9時間(1時間の食事休憩と2回の小さな休憩を含む) 

전화 고객 서비스대모집 (한국의 구인)

Please email resume to: hwgz01@gmail.com

Contact LINE: dd_44968 or Kakao: dd44968 for more information

About the Job:
We"re looking for brilliant & multilingual full time customer service professionals to join our team in South Korea. Working as part of a dynamic Asian Support Centre, your role will be to provide “best practice” in customer support. You will work as a community advocate supporting hosts and travelers for our client.

Work Location: 한국, 토미카와 Bucheon, South Korea

Salary & Benefits:
> Monthly salary 200,000 – 𨖌,000
> 2 days off per week (Rotational Shift)
> Social insurance
> Retirement payment system
> Staff facilities (nursing room, cafeteria, sleeping room etc)
> Job training provided.

Relocation Assistance:
> Monthly Housing Allowance (䂑,800)*
> 1 time Air Ticket Allowance to Korea (䂌,800)*
> Korea Working Visa Assistance**
> We welcome people with H1, D10, F2, F4, F5 or F6 visa
*For overseas Japanese applicants only
**For work visa sponsorship you must meet the following requirements:
1) University graduate
2) At least 1 year working experience in either hotel (or hospitality); international sales / trade; interpreter; travel agency; or call center.

Job Responsibilities:
> Answer phone calls and reply emails received from worldwide travelers.

노동 시간:
> 24시간 시프트 월요일~일요일
> 1주간에 5일간의 일
> 1 시프트에 대해 9시간(1시간의 식사 휴식과 2회의 작은 휴식을 포함한다)
주의:이 Shift 패턴은 장래 변경될 가능성이 있어요.

TOTAL: 8151

番号 タイトル ライター 参照 推薦
8131 ... 이강인’ 2020-06-20 3536 0
8130 お友達募集してます。 §¶ΣΨ 2020-06-17 2909 0
8129 既婚者のためのホンウェヨンエ SNS 그름을 2020-06-13 2805 0
8128 aaa ☆♪ 2020-06-09 2734 0
8127 .... ☆♪ 2020-06-07 2328 0
8126 zzz 안정환19 2020-05-31 2450 0
8125 日本の一般人男性vs韓国の一般人....... fghj 2020-05-10 2336 0
8124 日本と韓国の美男対決 p0o0 2020-03-14 2321 0
8123 일본어공부 (1) Harinnim 2019-10-31 2228 0
8122 広告がすごく多いですね q50q04 2019-04-22 2856 0
8121 電話顧客サービス大募集 (韓国の求人....... hwgz01 2019-01-11 2745 0
8120 仁川日本ガールフレンド付き合いた....... (2) KAKAKA 2018-12-21 2826 0
8119 韓国人が知ったら大ショックを受け....... (3) ennjoy111 2018-10-20 3488 0
8118 日本人友達を願います. 깜찍총각 2018-10-19 2804 0
8117 韓国は恐ろしい国ですね。 japanesemen 2018-10-16 3098 0
8116 日本のイケメン 美男 ハンサム ....... 日本がいつも勝利する 2018-10-02 3599 0
8115 9.27~29 韓国旅行 (1) kechon 2018-09-02 2895 0
8114 仁川富川日本の友達捜します facinating 2018-08-28 3195 0
8113 안녕하세요!おはようございます! 仁....... 짜라짜짜 2018-08-20 3008 0
8112 また愛するようになったら 다르선상 2018-06-27 3072 0