

Turkey, Japan may boost links in defense industry

Japan has made a landmark decision to ease a decades-old ban on military exports. This may open the gates for advanced defense cooperation with Turkey.

After Japan last month eased a self-imposed and decades-old ban on military exports, it is preparing to cooperate with Turkey in the area of defense, a senior Turkish procurement official said yesterday.
“We are viewing Japan as a [key] potential country to cooperate with on defense industry matters,” the official told the Hürriyet Daily News, speaking on condition of anonymity.
“They [the Japanese] are very good on automation software, military electronics and producing naval platforms. But we have to first develop a road map. We expect to do that this year.”
Japanese Foreign Minister Koichiro Gemba was in Ankara over the weekend for talks with Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu and Economy Minister Zafer Çağlayan. Defense cooperation was briefly discussed. A senior Japanese defense team visited Turkey in the last weeks of 2011.
Regarding East Asia, Turkey already has very good defense industry cooperation with Korean War ally South Korea. The two countries are working together on the development of Turkey’s first main battle tank and are building howitzers and basic training aircraft together. Aerospace companies of the two countries may develop in the next decade a fighter aircraft dubbed “FX.”
“We want to do the same with Japan. Turkey and Japan are natural allies in the defense business,” said the Turkish procurement official.
Export path to Japan opens
On Dec. 27, 2011, Tokyo relaxed the ban on the sale of military equipment in a move that will open new markets to its defense contractors. The previous rule, adapted in 1967, banned sales to “communist states, those involved in international conflicts or subject to U.N. sanctions.” It later became a blanket ban on exports and on development of weapons with countries other than the United States, making it impossible for manufacturers to participate in multinational programs.
The relaxing of the rules does not mean Japan immediately will openly sell military products to the world. Exports will be limited to strategic allies like the United States.
Japan in December selected the U.S.-led F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Lightning II as its next-generation fighter aircraft. Turkey already is a member of the same consortium building the aircraft and last week placed an order for the purchase of two jets. Japan’s participation in the project may pave the way for Mitsubishi Heavy Industries to join in the program.
Gemba’s visit to Ankara focused mainly on Japan’s construction of a nuclear power plant in northern Turkey, which may cost up to $20 billion. Turkey first negotiated the deal with South Korea but later opened rival talks with Japan, as Ankara and Seoul failed to finalize a contract.
The Japanese deal stayed dormant for nine months after a deadly earthquake and tsunami damaged the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Japan in March last year. But now the two sides look keen to work on the matter.
Davutoğlu has expressed willingness to travel to Japan later this year to mark an agreement on the nuclear deal.



日本と装備共同開発 トルコ国防相が提案へ










터키가 일본에 무기 공동 개발을 제안!?


Turkey, Japan may boost links in defense industry

Japan has made a landmark decision to ease a decades-old ban on military exports. This may open the gates for advanced defense cooperation with Turkey.

After Japan last month eased a self-imposed and decades-old ban on military exports, it is preparing to cooperate with Turkey in the area of defense, a senior Turkish procurement official said yesterday.
“We are viewing Japan as a [key] potential country to cooperate with on defense industry matters,” the official told the Hürriyet Daily News, speaking on condition of anonymity.
“They [the Japanese] are very good on automation software, military electronics and producing naval platforms. But we have to first develop a road map. We expect to do that this year.”
Japanese Foreign Minister Koichiro Gemba was in Ankara over the weekend for talks with Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu and Economy Minister Zafer Çağlayan. Defense cooperation was briefly discussed. A senior Japanese defense team visited Turkey in the last weeks of 2011.
Regarding East Asia, Turkey already has very good defense industry cooperation with Korean War ally South Korea. The two countries are working together on the development of Turkey’s first main battle tank and are building howitzers and basic training aircraft together. Aerospace companies of the two countries may develop in the next decade a fighter aircraft dubbed “FX.”
“We want to do the same with Japan. Turkey and Japan are natural allies in the defense business,” said the Turkish procurement official.
Export path to Japan opens
On Dec. 27, 2011, Tokyo relaxed the ban on the sale of military equipment in a move that will open new markets to its defense contractors. The previous rule, adapted in 1967, banned sales to “communist states, those involved in international conflicts or subject to U.N. sanctions.” It later became a blanket ban on exports and on development of weapons with countries other than the United States, making it impossible for manufacturers to participate in multinational programs.
The relaxing of the rules does not mean Japan immediately will openly sell military products to the world. Exports will be limited to strategic allies like the United States.
Japan in December selected the U.S.-led F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Lightning II as its next-generation fighter aircraft. Turkey already is a member of the same consortium building the aircraft and last week placed an order for the purchase of two jets. Japan’s participation in the project may pave the way for Mitsubishi Heavy Industries to join in the program.
Gemba’s visit to Ankara focused mainly on Japan’s construction of a nuclear power plant in northern Turkey, which may cost up to $20 billion. Turkey first negotiated the deal with South Korea but later opened rival talks with Japan, as Ankara and Seoul failed to finalize a contract.
The Japanese deal stayed dormant for nine months after a deadly earthquake and tsunami damaged the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Japan in March last year. But now the two sides look keen to work on the matter.
Davutoğlu has expressed willingness to travel to Japan later this year to mark an agreement on the nuclear deal.



일본과 장비 공동 개발 터키 국방장관이 제안에

터키와 일본은 방위 협력을 강화한다.근처 유르마즈 국방장관이 터키의 국방장관으로서 처음으로 방일, 장비의 공동 개발등을 제안할 전망이다.방위 산업의 육성을 목표로 하는 터키측은 무기 수출 삼원칙을 완화한 일본의 방위 기술에 높은 관심을 나타내고 있다.

 수도 Ankara에서 바얄 국방성 차관(장비 조달 담당)이 분명히 했다.터키와 일본의 방위 당국은 작년 여름의 차관급 회합에서 2국간의 협력을 진행시키는 것에 합의했다.국방장관의 방일에서는 한층 더한 협력 강화를 확인하는 것 외에 구체책의 드러내기도 진행한다.

 터키측은 최신예스텔스 전투기 F35의 제조나 보수, 파일럿과 기술자의 교육·훈련에 대해 협력을 모색하고 싶은 생각.터키는2017~271년에 600억 달러( 약 5조 6000억엔)를 투자해 F35를 100기 조달할 계획.미국 이외에서는 세계 유수한 조달 규모가 된다.공동 생산에도 참가한다.일본은 42기의 도입을 계획하고 있다.

 터키는 북대서양 조약기구(NATO)의 가맹국에서 미국에 뒤잇는 규모의 육군을 가진다.방위 산업의 육성을 진행하고 있어, 국영의 방위 메이커, TAI는 F16를 라이센스 생산 하고 있다.이 외 , 터키는 공격 헬기의 라이센스 생산을 개시.독자적인 무인기계의 개발도 진행하고 있어, 15년에 생산을 개시할 방침이다.

 터키는 한국의 기술원조를 받아 국산 전차 「알타이」를 개발중에서, 15년에 생산을 개시할 계획이다.헬기나 무인기계에 불가결한 레이더용의 센서의 기술을 일본 기업은 가지고 있어 터키는 이러한 분야의 공동 개발에 의욕을 보이고 있다.

 해적 대처도 협의한다.터키는 소말리아 부흥에 힘을 쓰고 있어 에르드안 수상이 11년, 동국을 방문.해적 대처로 해군 함선 1척이나 파견하고 있다.해상 자위대도 지부티에 거점을 설치하고 있어 협력이 깊어지고 싶은 생각이다.지진으로 피해를 받은 지역에의 지원의 노하우 공유에 대해서도 서로 이야기한다.




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