


Former Korean “comfort women” for U.S. troops sue own government


PYEONGTAEK South Korea Fri Jul 11, 2014 6:45am EDT

(Reuters) - Cho Myung-ja ran away from home as a teenager to escape a father who beat her, finding her way to the red light district in a South Korean town that hosts a large U.S. Army garrison.

After she escaped home in the early 1960s, her pimp sold her to one of the brothels allowed by the government to serve American soldiers.

“It was a hard life and we got sick,” Cho, 76, said in an interview in her cluttered room in a shack outside Camp Humphreys, a busy U.S. military garrison in the town of Pyeongtaek, south of Seoul.

On June 25, sixty-four years after the Korean War broke out, Cho joined 122 surviving comfort women, as they were called, in a lawsuit against their government to reclaim, they say, human dignity and proper compensation.

The suit comes as an embarrassing distraction for the South Korean government, which has pushed Japan to properly atone for what it says were World War Two atrocities including forcing women, many of them Korean, to serve as s●x slaves for its soldiers.

The women claim the South Korean government trained them and worked with pimps to run a s●x trade through the 1960s and 1970s for U.S. troops, encouraged women to work as prostitutes and violated their human rights.

The suit was lodged with the Seoul Central District Court and Reuters has seen the document laying out the accusations against the government and a demand for 10 million won ($9,800) in compensation per plaintiff.

The Ministry of Gender Equality and Family declined to comment on the lawsuit. The U.S. military in South Korea said it was aware of reports of the lawsuit.

“USFK has a zero tolerance for prostitution and human trafficking,” a U.S. Forces in Korea spokesman said in response to a request for comment. “Prostitution and human trafficking are cruel, demeaning and incompatible with our military core values.”


The South Korean government was desperate to keep U.S. troops in the 1960s after a devastating but inconclusive war with North Korea and wanted the women to serve as “patriots” and “civilian diplomats”.

The virtuous-sounding titles did little to reflect the life they led. They say they were forced by the South Korean government to undergo degrading checkups for s●xually transmitted diseases and if the test was positive, locked up until they were “fit” to work.

“To make sure we didn"t pass on some disease to foreigners, we were tested twice a week, and if it looked abnormal, we would be locked up on the fourth floor, unlocking the door only at meal times, and some people broke their legs trying to escape,” Cho said amid the frequent hum of military aircraft.

Afterwards, they say they were neglected and forgotten, left to live out their lives in poverty, stigmatized for having worked as prostitutes.

The lawsuit is a culmination of work by a handful of small and regional NGOs that came together in 2008 to gather their testimonies and seek legal advice.

This week, an opposition member of parliament led a group of 10 liberal lawmakers to introduce a bill calling for a probe into the program, formal recognition for the contribution made by the women and financial compensation.

Hundreds of former prostitutes continue to live clustered around military bases in South Korea, many of them ill and poor, without family and financially unable to move.

Working through the 1960s and 1970s, the women say they were treated as commodities used to boost a post-war economy.

They say the government, at the time a heavy-handed military dictatorship, ran classes for them in etiquette and praised them for earning dollars when South Korea was poor.

“They say we were patriots at the time, but now they couldn"t care less,” said another former prostitute, Kim Sook-ja, 70. “We didn"t fight with guns or bayonets but we worked for the country and earned dollars.”

($1 = 1,020 won)

(Additional reporting by James Pearson in Pyeongtaek and Sohee Kim in Seoul, editing by Jack Kim and Tony Munroe)






Yahoo USAなどのNETでは、この記事に多くのコメントが付いています。

Chicago Tribuneのへの配信記事





記事入力 : 2014/07/14 08:16










それでは、朝鮮戦争慰安婦動員は、歴史上2番目の「反人倫犯罪」行為 でしょうか??









여성의 인권을 지켜라!



Former Korean "comfort women" for U.S. troops sue own government


PYEONGTAEK South Korea Fri Jul 11, 2014 6:45am EDT

(Reuters) - Cho Myung-ja ran away from home as a teenager to escape a father who beat her, finding her way to the red light district in a South Korean town that hosts a large U.S. Army garrison.

After she escaped home in the early 1960s, her pimp sold her to one of the brothels allowed by the government to serve American soldiers.

"It was a hard life and we got sick," Cho, 76, said in an interview in her cluttered room in a shack outside Camp Humphreys, a busy U.S. military garrison in the town of Pyeongtaek, south of Seoul.

On June 25, sixty-four years after the Korean War broke out, Cho joined 122 surviving comfort women, as they were called, in a lawsuit against their government to reclaim, they say, human dignity and proper compensation.

The suit comes as an embarrassing distraction for the South Korean government, which has pushed Japan to properly atone for what it says were World War Two atrocities including forcing women, many of them Korean, to serve as s●x slaves for its soldiers.

The women claim the South Korean government trained them and worked with pimps to run a s●x trade through the 1960s and 1970s for U.S. troops, encouraged women to work as prostitutes and violated their human rights.

The suit was lodged with the Seoul Central District Court and Reuters has seen the document laying out the accusations against the government and a demand for 10 million won ($9,800) in compensation per plaintiff.

The Ministry of Gender Equality and Family declined to comment on the lawsuit. The U.S. military in South Korea said it was aware of reports of the lawsuit.

"USFK has a zero tolerance for prostitution and human trafficking," a U.S. Forces in Korea spokesman said in response to a request for comment. "Prostitution and human trafficking are cruel, demeaning and incompatible with our military core values."


The South Korean government was desperate to keep U.S. troops in the 1960s after a devastating but inconclusive war with North Korea and wanted the women to serve as "patriots" and "civilian diplomats".

The virtuous-sounding titles did little to reflect the life they led. They say they were forced by the South Korean government to undergo degrading checkups for s●xually transmitted diseases and if the test was positive, locked up until they were "fit" to work.

"To make sure we didn"t pass on some disease to foreigners, we were tested twice a week, and if it looked abnormal, we would be locked up on the fourth floor, unlocking the door only at meal times, and some people broke their legs trying to escape," Cho said amid the frequent hum of military aircraft.

Afterwards, they say they were neglected and forgotten, left to live out their lives in poverty, stigmatized for having worked as prostitutes.

The lawsuit is a culmination of work by a handful of small and regional NGOs that came together in 2008 to gather their testimonies and seek legal advice.

This week, an opposition member of parliament led a group of 10 liberal lawmakers to introduce a bill calling for a probe into the program, formal recognition for the contribution made by the women and financial compensation.

Hundreds of former prostitutes continue to live clustered around military bases in South Korea, many of them ill and poor, without family and financially unable to move.

Working through the 1960s and 1970s, the women say they were treated as commodities used to boost a post-war economy.

They say the government, at the time a heavy-handed military dictatorship, ran classes for them in etiquette and praised them for earning dollars when South Korea was poor.

"They say we were patriots at the time, but now they couldn"t care less," said another former prostitute, Kim Sook-ja, 70. "We didn"t fight with guns or bayonets but we worked for the country and earned dollars."

($1 = 1,020 won)

(Additional reporting by James Pearson in Pyeongtaek and Sohee Kim in Seoul, editing by Jack Kim and Tony Munroe)



한국 전쟁 위안부(성 노예?) 기사가, 7월 11일에 로이터로부터 전달되었습니다.

기사에서는, 이 소송이, 오랜 세월 위안부 문제로 일본을 계속 추궁하고 있었다
한국 정부에 있어서, 고민거리가 될 가능성을 시사.
한국 정부 여성 가족부는, 이 건에 관해서 노 코멘트.
주한미군은, 소송은 인식하고 있어, 매춘&인신매매를 비난 해,
미군의 기본이념으로부터 일절 받아 들여지지 않는다, 라고 우등생 회답.

한국에서 행해진 기자 회견에서는, 여성들은 「인신매매, 또는 중개인에 속아…」
(이)라고 발언하고 있던 것 같습니다만, 이 기사에서는 다소 자극을 억제하고 써 걷는거야?

기자 회견으로부터 약 2주간, 마침내 로이터를 통해서 각 미디어에 전달되었어요.
Yahoo USA등의 NET에서는, 이 기사에 많은 코멘트가 붙어 있습니다.
「실제로 주둔하고 있었지만, 매춘부들은 행복한 것 같았다」
「당시는, 이러한 경위로 매춘부가 되는 것이 보통」
「한국 전쟁 위안부는 「강제당했다」라고 하지 않기 때문에,
제2차 대전 당시의 위안부와 비교하는 것은 잘못되어 있다」
등, 뭐 「여성의 인권」을 무시하는 미국인의 온퍼레이드?

Chicago Tribune의 것에의 전달 기사
그럼, 그란데이르시에서의 위안부상영상도 게재되고 있습니다.당연하네요.





미 정치가, 세계 최초의 위안부 역사 교육법안을 재추진
기사 입력 : 2014/07/14 08:16

위안부 역사 교육 의무화 법안을 세계에 앞서 발의 한 미국 뉴욕의 정치가가, 법안재추진을 정식으로 표명했다.

 뉴욕주를 대표하는 친한파 정치가 토니·아베라 상원의원=독립 민주 컨퍼런스=는 10일의 기자 회견에서, 「위안부의 역사 등 제국주의 시대의 일본의 범죄에 대해 가르치는 것을 의무화 하는 「위안부 교육법안」을 재추진한다」라고 발표했다.

 아베라 의원은 이 날, 「뉴욕 한인 보호자 협회」 등 미국 거주의 한국계 커뮤니티 관계자가 출석하는 중, 「뉴욕주 상원이 지난 달, 세계 최초의 위안부 교육법안을 통과시켰는데도 관계없이, 하원으로 회기내에 채결할 수 없었던 것은 매우 유감이다.그러나, 내년의 회기에는 법안을 최종 통과시켜, 뉴욕주의 아동·학생들이 올바른 교육을 받게 되도록(듯이) 최선을 다한다」라고 말했다.

 금년 2월에 아베라 의원이 뉴욕 상원에 발의 한 위안부 교육법 법안(S7759A-2013)은, 회기 마지막 날의 지난 달 18일에 상원으로 찬성 41·반대 18·기권 2로 통과했지만, 하원으로의 회기내에 처리할 수 없었기 때문에 자동적으로 폐기되었다.

 「위안부 교육법」은종군위안부 동원을 일본의 제국주의에 의한 역사상 최대의 「반인륜 범죄」행위라고 규정해, 2016년 7월 1일부터 뉴욕주의 공립 학교 아동·학생들에게 교육한다고 하는 내용을 골자로 하고 있다.또, 교육법 제1조의 서문에「전쟁 기간중의 여성에 대한 폭력」이라고 하는 문언을 새롭게 포함하도록(듯이) 의무부여라고 있다.

 뉴욕 한인 보호자 협회의 최·윤히 공동 회장은 「미국에서는 이 법안이 역사상 처음으로 주 의회 상원을 통과한 것만으로도 큰 의미를 가진다.내년에는 하원에서도 반드시 통과시켜, 뉴욕주가 정의와 진실을 가르치는 미국의 선도적인 주가 되도록, 한국계 커뮤니티가 협력해 나간다」라고 말했다.

뉴욕=노·장형 특파원


종군위안부 동원을 일본의 제국주의에 의한 역사상 최대의 「반인륜 범죄」행위라고 규정

그러면, 한국 전쟁 위안부 동원은, 역사상 2번째의 「반인륜 범죄」행위입니까?

「전쟁 기간중의 여성에 대한 폭력」이라고 하는 문언을 새롭게 포함하도록(듯이) 의무부여

과연.한국 전쟁 위안부를 동원한 한국 정부와 이용한 미군에 대해서도
공립 초등학교에서 배우는 일이 되는 군요….과연, 여성의 인권을 중시하는 의원입니다.







TOTAL: 24296

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