
フランスとドイツが 2020年代中盤まで自分たちが運用する機種を取り替える新しい海上超音速機(MPA)を共同開発する予定だ.

“Maritime Airborne Warfare System”に命名された今度努力は 4月 6日ドイツ海軍が両国国防相が今月末共同プロジェクトの公式始める意向書 LOIに署名すると明らかにしながら現われた.

Florence Parlyと Ursula von der Leyen 長官の締結した LOIはフランスのダッソブレなのアトルランティクとドイツのロッキードマーティン P-3C 来なさい二言の後継者を作ろうとするのだ. 署名は ILA Berlin エアショー期間の 4月 27日にある予定だ.

新しいフランス-ドイツ MPA 開発発表は 2017年 7月 13日パリでそれぞれの海軍の及び海上情報能力を向上する “ヨーロッパのソリューション”を模索することに決めて 2018年に “共通のロードマップ”に従う事にしてからほとんど 1年ぶりに出た.

フランスとドイツはもうカナダ, ギリシア, イタリア, ポーランド, スペインそしてトルコと共に新しい MPAを開発する多国籍海上ダイムム航空機能力(Multinational Maritime Multi-Mission Aircraft Capabilities) プログラムに参加している.
二つのプロジェクトがお互いにどうに係わっているかはすぐわからないが似ている日程と機能要求事項を考慮する時高いシナジー效果があるように見える. 2017年から, (2018年の初めに参加したカナダとポーランドを除いた) むっつ元々参加国はこの領域の未来力量に対する共通要求事項文書をゾングウィヘワッゴ 2018年末に完了するでしょう. この作業はフランスとドイツによって提案されたことのような後続ソリューションを開発して樹立する基盤を提供するでしょう.

France and Germany launch joint MPA effort

France and Germany are to jointly develop a new maritime patrol aircraft (MPA) to replace the nations’ current types from the mid- to late-2020s.

The effort, dubbed the ‘Maritime Airborne Warfare System’, was revealed by the German Navy on 6 April when the service disclosed that the defence ministers from both countries will sign a letter of intent (LOI) to formally begin the joint project later in the month.

This LOI between Florence Parly and Ursula von der Leyen will be geared towards building a successor to the Dassault-Breguet Atlantique for France and to the Lockheed Martin P-3C Orion for Germany. Its signing is set to take place on 27 April, during the ILA Berlin Airshow.

The announcement of the development of a new Franco-German MPA comes nearly a year after the German-French Defense and Security Council decided in Paris on 13 July 2017 to seek a ‘European solution’ to renew the naval and maritime intelligence capabilities of their respective navies, with a ‘common roadmap’ to follow in 2018.

France and Germany are already taking part in the Co-operation on Multinational Maritime Multi-Mission Aircraft Capabilities programme that is looking to develop a new MPA with Canada, Greece, Italy, Poland, Spain, and Turkey. While it is not immediately apparent as to how the two projects relate to each other, it is likely that there will be a high degree of synergy given the similar timelines and capability requirements. Since 2017, the six original participants (minus Canada and Poland, which joined earlier in 2018) have been defining a common requirements document for future capabilities in this area, which should be completed later this year. This work will provide a foundation for developing and fielding follow-on solutions, such as that now being proposed by France and Germany.

フランスとドイツが新型海上超音速機(MPA) 共同開発することに合意


프랑스와 독일이 신형 해상초계기(MPA) 공동개발 하기로 합의

프랑스와 독일이 2020년대 중반까지 자신들이 운용하는 기종을 대체할 새로운 해상초계기(MPA)를 공동개발할 예정이다.

"Maritime Airborne Warfare System"으로 명명된 이번 노력은 4월 6일 독일 해군이 양국 국방장관이 이달 말 공동 프로젝트의 공식 시작하는 의향서 LOI에 서명할 것이라고 밝히면서 드러났다.

Florence Parly와 Ursula von der Leyen 장관이 체결한 LOI는 프랑스의 닷소 브레게 아틀란티크와 독일의 록히드마틴 P-3C 오라이언의 후계자를 만들려는 것이다. 서명은 ILA Berlin 에어쇼 기간인 4월 27일에 있을 예정이다.

새로운 프랑스-독일 MPA 개발 발표는 2017년 7월 13일 파리에서 각각의 해군의 및 해상 정보 능력을 향상하는 "유럽의 솔루션"을 모색하기로 결정하고 2018년에 "공통의 로드맵"을 따르기로 한지 거의 1년만에 나왔다.

프랑스와 독일은 이미 캐나다, 그리스, 이탈리아, 폴란드, 스페인 그리고 터키와 함께 새로운 MPA를 개발하는 다국적 해상 다임무 항공기 능력(Multinational Maritime Multi-Mission Aircraft Capabilities) 프로그램에 참가하고 있다.
두 프로젝트가 서로 어떻게 관련되어 있는지는 바로 알수 없지만 비슷한 일정과 기능 요구사항을 고려할 때 높은 시너지 효과가 있을 것으로 보인다. 2017년부터, (2018년초에 참가한 캐나다와 폴란드를 제외한) 여섯개 원래 참가국은 이 영역의 미래 역량에 대한 공통 요구사항 문서를 정의해왓고 2018년말에 완료할 것이다. 이 작업은 프랑스와 독일에 의해 제안된 것과 같은 후속 솔루션을 개발하고 수립하는 기반을 제공할 것이다.


France and Germany launch joint MPA effort


France and Germany are to jointly develop a new maritime patrol aircraft (MPA) to replace the nations’ current types from the mid- to late-2020s.

The effort, dubbed the ‘Maritime Airborne Warfare System’, was revealed by the German Navy on 6 April when the service disclosed that the defence ministers from both countries will sign a letter of intent (LOI) to formally begin the joint project later in the month.

This LOI between Florence Parly and Ursula von der Leyen will be geared towards building a successor to the Dassault-Breguet Atlantique for France and to the Lockheed Martin P-3C Orion for Germany. Its signing is set to take place on 27 April, during the ILA Berlin Airshow.

The announcement of the development of a new Franco-German MPA comes nearly a year after the German-French Defense and Security Council decided in Paris on 13 July 2017 to seek a ‘European solution’ to renew the naval and maritime intelligence capabilities of their respective navies, with a ‘common roadmap’ to follow in 2018.

France and Germany are already taking part in the Co-operation on Multinational Maritime Multi-Mission Aircraft Capabilities programme that is looking to develop a new MPA with Canada, Greece, Italy, Poland, Spain, and Turkey. While it is not immediately apparent as to how the two projects relate to each other, it is likely that there will be a high degree of synergy given the similar timelines and capability requirements. Since 2017, the six original participants (minus Canada and Poland, which joined earlier in 2018) have been defining a common requirements document for future capabilities in this area, which should be completed later this year. This work will provide a foundation for developing and fielding follow-on solutions, such as that now being proposed by France and Germany. 


프랑스와 독일이 신형 해상초계기(MPA) 공동개발 하기로 합의


TOTAL: 24294

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