
Top 30 urban agglomeration GDP rankings in 2008 and illustrative projections to 2025
(using UN definitions and population estimates)
Rank in 2008 Cities ranked by estimated 2008 GDP at PPPs Est. GDP in 2008 ($bn at PPPs) Rank in 2025 Cities ranked by projected 2025 GDP at PPPs Est. GDP in 2025($bn at 2008 PPPs) Real GDP growth rate (% pa: 2009-2025)
1 Tokyo 1479 1 Tokyo 1981 1.7%
2 New York 1406 2 New York 1915 1.8%
3 Los Angeles 792 3 Los Angeles 1036 1.6%
4 Chicago 574 4 London 821 2.2%
5 London 565 5 Chicago 817 2.1%
6 Paris 564 6 Sao Paulo 782 4.2%
7 Osaka/Kobe 417 7 Mexico City 745 3.9%
8 Mexico City 390 8 Paris 741 1.6%
9 Philadelphia 388 9 Shanghai 692 6.6%
10 Sao Paulo 388 10 Buenos Aires 651 3.5%
11 Washington DC 375 11 Mumbai (Bombay) 594 6.3%
12 Boston 363 12 Moscow 546 3.2%
13 Buenos Aires 362 13 Philadelphia 518 1.7%
14 Dallas/Fort Worth 338 14 Hong Kong 506 2.7%
15 Moscow 321 15 Washington DC 504 1.8%
16 Hong Kong 320 16 Osaka/Kobe 500 1.1%
17 Atlanta 304 17 Beijing 499 6.7%
18 San Francisco/Oakland 301 18 Boston 488 1.8%
19 Houston 297 19 Delhi 482 6.4%
20 Miami 292 20 Dallas/Fort Worth 454 1.8%
21 Seoul 291 21 Guangzhou 438 6.8%
22 Toronto 253 22 Seoul 431 2.3%
23 Detroit 253 23 Atlanta 412 1.8%
24 Seattle 235 24 Rio de Janeiro 407 4.2%
25 Shanghai 233 25 San Francisco/Oakland 406 1.8%
26 Madrid 230 26 Houston 400 1.8%
27 Singapore 215 27 Miami 390 1.7%
28 Sydney 213 28 Istanbul 367 4.2%
29 Mumbai (Bombay) 209 29 Toronto 352 2.0%
30 Rio de Janeiro 201 30 Cairo 330 5.0%

GDP^^? PPP^^?

Top 30 urban agglomeration GDP rankings in 2008 and illustrative projections to 2025
(using UN definitions and population estimates)
Rank in 2008 Cities ranked by estimated 2008 GDP at PPPs Est. GDP in 2008 ($bn at PPPs) Rank in 2025 Cities ranked by projected 2025 GDP at PPPs Est. GDP in 2025($bn at 2008 PPPs) Real GDP growth rate (% pa: 2009-2025)
1 Tokyo 1479 1 Tokyo 1981 1.7%
2 New York 1406 2 New York 1915 1.8%
3 Los Angeles 792 3 Los Angeles 1036 1.6%
4 Chicago 574 4 London 821 2.2%
5 London 565 5 Chicago 817 2.1%
6 Paris 564 6 Sao Paulo 782 4.2%
7 Osaka/Kobe 417 7 Mexico City 745 3.9%
8 Mexico City 390 8 Paris 741 1.6%
9 Philadelphia 388 9 Shanghai 692 6.6%
10 Sao Paulo 388 10 Buenos Aires 651 3.5%
11 Washington DC 375 11 Mumbai (Bombay) 594 6.3%
12 Boston 363 12 Moscow 546 3.2%
13 Buenos Aires 362 13 Philadelphia 518 1.7%
14 Dallas/Fort Worth 338 14 Hong Kong 506 2.7%
15 Moscow 321 15 Washington DC 504 1.8%
16 Hong Kong 320 16 Osaka/Kobe 500 1.1%
17 Atlanta 304 17 Beijing 499 6.7%
18 San Francisco/Oakland 301 18 Boston 488 1.8%
19 Houston 297 19 Delhi 482 6.4%
20 Miami 292 20 Dallas/Fort Worth 454 1.8%
21 Seoul 291 21 Guangzhou 438 6.8%
22 Toronto 253 22 Seoul 431 2.3%
23 Detroit 253 23 Atlanta 412 1.8%
24 Seattle 235 24 Rio de Janeiro 407 4.2%
25 Shanghai 233 25 San Francisco/Oakland 406 1.8%
26 Madrid 230 26 Houston 400 1.8%
27 Singapore 215 27 Miami 390 1.7%
28 Sydney 213 28 Istanbul 367 4.2%
29 Mumbai (Bombay) 209 29 Toronto 352 2.0%
30 Rio de Janeiro 201 30 Cairo 330 5.0%

TOTAL: 28039

番号 タイトル ライター 参照 推薦
28039 日本から泥棒した葡萄が韓国の救世....... JAPAV57 04-25 16 0
28038 2025年のハイブランドiPhoneケーストレ....... cozakashop 04-24 5 0
28037 日本流。現実創造のための。 ke87 04-23 7 0
28036 ビルボードが韓国だけ切り離す savages 04-23 29 1
28035 クーパンの深刻な悩み underscore 04-23 16 0
28034 2分に1件詐欺する韓国 girona 04-23 8 0
28033 韓国の屋台は危険 midnightJ 04-23 20 0
28032 NYタイムズまで韓国消滅を報道 rogally 04-23 19 0
28031 一瞬でソニーに逆転負けした三星 bathing 04-23 17 0
28030 韓国に地震がどんどん近づいて来た tirana 04-23 11 0
28029 ソウルから済州まで呼吸制限の韓国 harrisburg 04-23 13 0
28028 今日はキャベツ3万ウォンになった韓....... insideout 04-23 9 0
28027 カットとパーマで9万円請求、韓国の....... ifinance 04-23 6 0
28026 新婚旅行で人気な国、日本が2位 rooker 04-23 9 0
28025 オリジナルキャラ「ダッフィー」グ....... spinster 04-23 8 0
28024 メキシコのニュース番組で金玉 demean 04-23 10 0
28023 ちいかわ作者 ナガノ先生の過去を発....... afterglow 04-23 8 0
28022 水原一平氏が大谷口座から金を盗ん....... knowable 04-23 9 0
28021 入社時に書かされるいなば食品の誓....... castrato 04-23 4 0
28020 中国の観光地『泰山』 wolverhampton 04-23 7 0