


Karayuki-san were Japanese peasant girls—mostly from the Shimabara Peninsula in Nagasaki Prefecture and Amakusa Islands in Kumamoto
Prefecture—who were sold into the flesh trade in colonial Singapore and other parts of Southeast Asia.
Japan, the world¥“s second-largest economy, was a poor country a century ago, and women were one of its major exports, along with silk and coal.
Former Karayuki-san, or Japanese prostitutes, are buried under a number of small tombstones at Japanese Cemetery Park in Singapore.
Karayuki-san, together with other Japanese women who served as prostitutes elsewhere, including Siberia, Hawaii, Australia and some parts of India and Africa, were said to be the third-biggest foreign currency earner for Japan at the turn of the 20th century.



Karayuki-sanは日本人農村女性たちだ—大部分長崎の Shimabara 半島, 熊本の Amakusa 島から来た—彼女たちは植民地シンガポールと東南アジアの多くの地域に人身売買で売れた. 今日二番目で大きい経済規模の日本は 100年前には貧しい国家だったし, 女達は絹, 石炭といっしょにで日本の需要輸出品目中の一つであった.
この前に Karayuki-san, または日本人売春婦はシンガポールの日本人墓だ公園で, 幾多の小さな碑石とともに売場されている.
シベリア, ハワイ, オーストラリア, そしてインディアとアフリカの一部地域など他の所で売春をした日本人女性と一緒に, Karayuki-sanの収入は, 20世紀 末の日本外貨獲得に 3番目に大きい寄与をした.




倭国の売春の歴史は深いです! ^*^




倭女売春婦写真 ^*^









シンガポールで身を売った倭女売春婦 ^*^





A Japanese Karayuki-san (Prostitute) in Singapore
(James Warren. Ah-Ku and Karayuki-san: Prostitution in Singapore, 1870-1940. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993.)









In this picture taken recently, the paper on the left carries the insurer¥“s signature and is sealed by the police station of the Republic of China, the prevailing administration between 1912 and 1949; while on the right piece, the applicant fills the blanks with her name, nationality, age, address and justification for wanting to become a prostitute, as well as proof of having volunteered to do so. A black-and-white photo of the prostitute-to-be is also pasted under the characters from Tianjin police station to Tianjin city government. [Xinhua]








倭女の 56%が売春経験wwwww












일본여성과의 생활...



Karayuki-san were Japanese peasant girls -- mostly from the Shimabara Peninsula in Nagasaki Prefecture and Amakusa Islands in Kumamoto
Prefecture -- who were sold into the flesh trade in colonial Singapore and other parts of Southeast Asia.
Japan, the world"s second-largest economy, was a poor country a century ago, and women were one of its major exports, along with silk and coal.
Former "Karayuki-san," or Japanese prostitutes, are buried under a number of small tombstones at Japanese Cemetery Park in Singapore.
Karayuki-san, together with other Japanese women who served as prostitutes elsewhere, including Siberia, Hawaii, Australia and some parts of India and Africa, were said to be the third-biggest foreign currency earner for Japan at the turn of the 20th century.


Karayuki-san은 일본인 농촌 여성들이다 -- 대부분 나가사키의 Shimabara 반도, 쿠마모토의 Amakusa 섬에서 왔던 -- 그녀들은 식민지 싱가폴과 동남 아시아의 여러 지역에 인신매매로 팔렸다. 오늘날 두번째로 큰 경제규모의 일본은 100년 전에는 가난한 국가였고, 여자들은 비단, 석탄과 더불어서 일본의 수요 수출 품목 중의 하나였다.
예전에 "Karayuki-san", 또는 일본인 매춘부는 싱가폴의 일본인 묘지 공원에서, 수많은 작은 비석과 함께 매장되어 있다.
시베리아, 하와이, 호주, 그리고 인디아와 아프리카의 일부 지역 등 다른 곳에서 매춘을 했던 일본인 여성과 함께, Karayuki-san들의 수입은, 20세기 末의 일본 외화 획득에 3번째로 큰 기여를 하였다.




일본의 매춘의 역사는 깊습니다! ^*^




왜녀 매춘부 사진 ^*^




Japanese Prostitutes in Yoshiwara, Tokyo





싱가폴에서 몸을 팔던 왜녀 매춘부 ^*^





A Japanese Karayuki-san (Prostitute) in Singapore
(James Warren. Ah-Ku and Karayuki-san: Prostitution in Singapore, 1870-1940. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993.)





중국 하얼빈에서 매춘 지원한 왜녀




In this picture taken recently, the paper on the left carries the insurer"s signature and is sealed by the police station of the Republic of China, the prevailing administration between 1912 and 1949; while on the right piece, the applicant fills the blanks with her name, nationality, age, address and justification for wanting to become a prostitute, as well as proof of having volunteered to do so. A black-and-white photo of the prostitute-to-be is also pasted under the characters "from Tianjin police station to Tianjin city government". [Xinhua]




그리고 이 전통은


오늘날까지 이어져서.....


왜녀의 56%가 매춘 경험wwwww











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