
Revealed: Oral sex is ‘bigger cause of throat cancer than tobacco’

By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 8:47 PM on 20th February 2011


A virus spread during oral sex is now the main cause of throat cancer in people under 50, scientists have warned.

They say the human papilloma virus spread during unprotected sex is to blame for a disturbing rise in potentially deadly oral cancers in the last few decades.

Doctors have called for boys to be vaccinated against HPV just like teenage girls to stop the spread of the disease.

HPV: The Human Papilloma Virus is now thought to be the main cause of throat cancer in people under 50, scientists have warned

HPV: The Human Papilloma Virus is now thought to be the main cause of throat cancer in people under 50, scientists have warned


Worrying: the sexually transmitted HPV was a bigger cause of some oral cancers than tobacco

Worrying: the sexually transmitted HPV was a bigger cause of some oral cancers than tobacco

Vaccine: Doctors want boys to be given treatment to protect them against the virus

Vaccine: Doctors want boys to be given treatment to protect them against the virus

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1358845/Oral-sex-bigger-cause-throat-cancer-tobacco.html#ixzz1EZWcaPH2


HPVには、ワクチンが有効だといいますねっと (・ω・) ペロペロ楽しいのに…

날름날름은 의외로 위험한 것 같아서 (·ω·)

Revealed: Oral sex is ‘bigger cause of throat cancer than tobacco’

By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 8:47 PM on 20th February 2011


A virus spread during oral sex is now the main cause of throat cancer in people under 50, scientists have warned.

They say the human papilloma virus spread during unprotected sex is to blame for a disturbing rise in potentially deadly oral cancers in the last few decades.

Doctors have called for boys to be vaccinated against HPV just like teenage girls to stop the spread of the disease.

HPV: The Human Papilloma Virus is now thought to be the main cause of throat cancer in people under 50, scientists have warned

HPV: The Human Papilloma Virus is now thought to be the main cause of throat cancer in people under 50, scientists have warned


Worrying: the sexually transmitted HPV was a bigger cause of some oral cancers than tobacco

Worrying: the sexually transmitted HPV was a bigger cause of some oral cancers than tobacco

Vaccine: Doctors want boys to be given treatment to protect them against the virus

Vaccine: Doctors want boys to be given treatment to protect them against the virus

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1358845/Oral-sex-bigger-cause-throat-cancer-tobacco.html#ixzz1EZWcaPH2


HPV에는, 백신이 유효하다고 하네요 와 (·ω·) 날름날름 즐거운데…

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