
声明は形だけのようですねっと (・ω・) 実質は、財務省vs投機家の戦いだといいますねっと  





Statement of G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors
March 18th 2011
We, the G7 Finance Ministers and central bank governors, discussed the recent dramatic events in Japan and were briefed by our Japanese colleagues on the current situation and the economic and financial response put in place by the authorities.
We express our solidarity with the Japanese people in these difficult times, our readiness to provide any needed cooperation and our confidence in the resilience of the Japanese economy and financial sector.
In response to recent movements in the exchange rate of the yen associated with the tragic events in Japan, and at the request of the Japanese authorities, the authorities of the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and the European Central Bank will join with Japan, on March 18, 2011, in concerted intervention in exchange markets. As we have long stated, excess volatility and disorderly movements in exchange rates have adverse implications for economic and financial stability. We will monitor exchange markets closely and will cooperate as appropriate.


ユーロ勢は、ちょこっとだけ介入したようnidaが (・ω・)

어쩔 수 없이 협조 개입 (·ω·)

성명은 형태만의 같네요 와 (·ω·) 실질은, 재무성 vs투기가의 싸움이라고 하네요 와   


G7재무 대신·중앙은행 총재의 성명
2011년 3월 18일


  우리, G7의 재무 대신·중앙은행 총재는, 일본에 있어서의 최근의 극적인 사건을 논의해, 우리의 일본의 동료로부터, 현재의 상황, 당국이 잡은 경제·금융면에서의 대응에 대한 설명을 받았다.
  우리는, 이러한 곤란한 때에 있어서의 일본의 사람들과의 연대 의식, 필요하게 되는 어떤 협력도 제공할 준비가 있는 것, 일본의 경제와 금융 섹터의 강인함에의 신임을 표명한다.
  일본에 있어서의 비극적인 사건에 관련한 엔 시세의 최근의 움직임에의 대응으로서 일본 당국으로부터의 요청에 근거해, 미국, 영국, 캐나다 당국 및 유럽 중앙 은행은, 2011년 3월 18일에, 일본과 함께 외환시장에 있어서의 협조 개입에 참가한다.우리가 오랫동안 말해 왔던 대로, 환율의 과도의 변동이나 무질서한 움직임은, 경제 및 금융의 안정에 대해서 악영향을 준다.우리는, 외환시장을 자주(잘) 주시해, 적절히 협력한다.

Statement of G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors
March 18th 2011
We, the G7 Finance Ministers and central bank governors, discussed the recent dramatic events in Japan and were briefed by our Japanese colleagues on the current situation and the economic and financial response put in place by the authorities.
We express our solidarity with the Japanese people in these difficult times, our readiness to provide any needed cooperation and our confidence in the resilience of the Japanese economy and financial sector.
In response to recent movements in the exchange rate of the yen associated with the tragic events in Japan, and at the request of the Japanese authorities, the authorities of the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and the European Central Bank will join with Japan, on March 18, 2011, in concerted intervention in exchange markets. As we have long stated, excess volatility and disorderly movements in exchange rates have adverse implications for economic and financial stability. We will monitor exchange markets closely and will cooperate as appropriate.


유로세는, 개와만 개입한 듯 nida가 (·ω·)

TOTAL: 28039

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