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COVER: Culture Shock: Is Japan Becoming Less Japanese? (Japan Only). Japan
 was said to be hungrily assimilating world culture, yet still stubbornly
 traditional. Instead, it has become another prosperous and modern Western
 country with some interesting quirks-an Asian nation that would not feel out
 of place if it were suddenly dropped inside the borders of Europe, writes
 Tokyo Bureau Chief Christian Caryl. Foreign VIPs, from Nissan CEO Carlos
 Ghosen to Sony chairman and CEO Howard Stringer have raised the profile of
 foreigners in Japan. Immigrants still make up a mere 1 percent of the Japanese
 population-tiny in comparison with the rest of the world, but their impact is

TOTAL: 28041

番号 タイトル ライター 参照 推薦
27981 クアラルンプール Saransk 02-18 270 0
27980 伏見は先処 Obninsk 02-18 281 0
27979 善光寺蕎麦を食べながら古い町並み (1) Makarov 02-18 255 0
27978 竹久夢二伊香保記念館と大正ロマン Georgiyevsk 02-18 263 0
27977 のんびりと安曇野 Dankov 02-18 224 0
27976 非日常的な体験 高野山 Nadym 02-18 199 0
27975 変わらない下北の場所 Kalininsk 02-18 192 0
27974 夜の商店街 Bakal 02-18 162 0
27973 何気ない街の、日常 Abakan 02-18 183 0
27972 早春の楽しみ♪ (6) のらくろ 02-16 335 0
27971 野菜生活 (3) 春原次郎左衛門 02-10 344 0
27970 日本航空 伊丹-青森便にて撮影♪ RapidMoonlight 02-10 270 0
27969 What can inferior Jap compete Korea??? Japloser 02-08 279 0
27968 鳥取砂丘そば♪ (2) RapidMoonlight 01-31 396 0
27967 世界で韓国だけ成長ホルモン乱用 (2) JAPAV57 01-31 421 1
27966 韓服着て動画 vnfmsrlt 01-08 531 1
27965 明日も月は昇って.. vnfmsrlt 01-08 495 1
27964 春が来ると, 大伽揶に行こう. vnfmsrlt 01-08 570 1
27963 韓服きれいに着て写真.. vnfmsrlt 01-07 546 1
27962 韓国人より外国人にもっと人気が高....... AllahuAkbar 01-06 545 0