
POLITICO Breaking News
President Barack Obama will nominate Dartmouth College president Jim Yong Kim as the new president of the World Bank, a senior administration official confirmed to POLITICO.

For more information… http://www.politico.com


国連事務総長だけじゃなく、ワールドバンクも韓国人(韓国系)になりそうですねっと (・ω・) 世界中で韓流化nika

아무튼 아무튼 속보 (·ω·)

POLITICO Breaking News
President Barack Obama will nominate Dartmouth College president Jim Yong Kim as the new president of the World Bank, a senior administration official confirmed to POLITICO.

For more information... http://www.politico.com


유엔 사무총장만이 아니고, 세계 은행도 한국인(한국계)이 될 것 같네요 와 (·ω·) 온 세상에서 한류화 nika

TOTAL: 28037

番号 タイトル ライター 参照 推薦
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