
新年一発目のcountry song






You were raised on an asphalt farm
Ain"t never heard a rooster crow
Never walked barefoot by a river
Felt the mud up between your toes

You never rolled in the hay
You never thrown it in four wheel
Climb up on here girl
Let me show you how country feels

Let your hair down, hair down
Get you some of this laid on back
Kick your shoes off, kick “em off
Get you some of this slow down fast
I"ll take you up and down these hollers and hills
Let me show you how country feels

You ever watched the sun go down
From the bed of a pickup truck
Ever been so into somebody
You"re still lying there when it comes back up

Girl what do you say?
Cut a path through that cornfield
Park down by the water
Let me show you how country feels

Let your hair down, hair down
Get you some of this laid on back
Kick your shoes off, kick “em off
Get you some of this slow down fast
I"ll take you up and down these hollers and hills
Let me show you how country feels

후로리나씨에게 보내는

신년 일발눈의 country song


도쿄에서 OL생활을 하는 후로리나씨에게 시골이 좋음을 알게 하는 가사이네요

남자들은 이 MV에 출연하는 따님을 후로리나씨라고 생각하면 좋습니다(수영복 모습도 있습니다^^)



You were raised on an asphalt farm
Ain"t never heard a rooster crow
Never walked barefoot by a river
Felt the mud up between your toes

You never rolled in the hay
You never thrown it in four wheel
Climb up on here girl
Let me show you how country feels

Let your hair down, hair down
Get you some of this laid on back
Kick your shoes off, kick "em off
Get you some of this slow down fast
I"ll take you up and down these hollers and hills
Let me show you how country feels

You ever watched the sun go down
From the bed of a pickup truck
Ever been so into somebody
You"re still lying there when it comes back up

Girl what do you say?
Cut a path through that cornfield
Park down by the water
Let me show you how country feels

Let your hair down, hair down
Get you some of this laid on back
Kick your shoes off, kick "em off
Get you some of this slow down fast
I"ll take you up and down these hollers and hills
Let me show you how country feels

TOTAL: 28039

番号 タイトル ライター 参照 推薦
28039 日本から泥棒した葡萄が韓国の救世....... JAPAV57 02:33 7 0
28038 2025年のハイブランドiPhoneケーストレ....... cozakashop 04-24 5 0
28037 日本流。現実創造のための。 ke87 04-23 5 0
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