
A Shameful Secret of World War II: Se xual Slavery in the Axis Armies

Korean Comfort Women held by the Japanese Imperial Army

The first scene of my new novel, Hold Back the Suntakes place in Madam Kitty’s, a posh Gestapo brothel in Berlin. Nazi friends are giving a going-away party for the book’s chief villain, a Japanese Military Attach

서양 사이트 에서는 이미 위안부 .. 성노.예로 표기하는군 ..

A Shameful Secret of World War II: Se xual Slavery in the Axis Armies

Korean Comfort Women held by the Japanese Imperial Army

The first scene of my new novel, Hold Back the Suntakes place in Madam Kitty’s, a posh Gestapo brothel in Berlin. Nazi friends are giving a going-away party for the book’s chief villain, a Japanese Military Attaché.  Madam Kitty’s was an actual establishment located at the address I give it in the novel. Its purpose was to ply foreign diplomats with liquor and se x, and then extract secret information from them during “pillow talk.” All the rooms were bugged to capture the conversations on recordings.

TOTAL: 28010

番号 タイトル ライター 参照 推薦
27930 ますます貧乏になる日本 (5) 滝川クリス太郎 2023-10-09 1065 2
27929 物を売るには、コンテンツを人気に....... ke87 2023-10-08 681 0
27928 永遠な 4強国 Shamshitdinov02 2023-10-05 797 0
27927 日本人の信念とは。そして日本の未....... ke87 2023-09-30 748 0
27926 韓国人たちへ。人生の真実とは。 (1) ke87 2023-09-29 890 0
27925 韓国屋台トースト再現 滝川クリス太郎 2023-09-18 1111 2
27924 ロシアの地名を名乗るアカウント群....... (1) inunabeya18 2023-09-15 1019 1
27923 生活版にもストーカー かすもち 2023-09-10 1115 1
27922 本音→韓国の歌よりモンゴルの歌の....... (1) Mongolia 2023-09-10 797 1
27921 40年前の「江ノ電」 Derbent 2023-09-05 918 0
27920 ドーナッツ屋さんなんです Balashov 2023-09-05 893 0
27919 わが街の消防署 Abinsk 2023-09-05 755 0
27918 チンチン電車 Saransk 2023-09-05 757 0
27917 函館のLRT Saransk 2023-09-05 847 0
27916 気球 Revda 2023-09-05 732 0
27915 これもレトロ? Obninsk 2023-09-05 726 0
27914 レトロ? Obninsk 2023-09-05 756 0
27913 昭和の街 Nadym 2023-09-05 713 0
27912 湯倉神社本堂 Makarov 2023-09-05 687 0
27911 湯倉神社 Makarov 2023-09-05 708 0