時事/経済 PositiveNegativeFreeStyleArguments



( だ い そ う げ ん




The Scuderia Ferrari Formula One team is expected to announce a landmark title sponsorship deal with global technology giant Hewlett-Packard (HP).

This partnership marks the Italian team"s most significant title sponsorship since its association with Mission Winnow ended in 2021.


「도용다」관련의 놈이 예금을 도둑맞은 그 때(매우 초원

부&형은 야구부의 관계자


(매우 초원



좋아.계측기 옥상 꾸중의 장점 파스타의 나라의 「뛰어 말」에 전 내버릴거야 W

The Scuderia Ferrari Formula One team is expected to announce a landmark title sponsorship deal with global technology giant Hewlett-Packard (HP).

This partnership marks the Italian team"s most significant title sponsorship since its association with Mission Winnow ended in 2021.


TOTAL: 2634571

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