
2009 Kia Borrego

By Scott Burgess

Detroit Newspapers
February 21, 2009

I was too kind to the Kia Borrego after driving the V-8 model. Two stars may have been one too many.
전에 키아 Borrego V-8 모델을 시승한 것이지만, 평가가 너무 단 것 같다.별 2가 아니고, 1개로 충분하다.

Shortly after reviewing this big SUV, I had the opportunity to drive the V-6 version to Chicago. I briefly considered walking back.

이 큰 SUV를 평가한 곧 나중에, 이번은 V-6 모델을 시카고까지 시승할 기회를 얻었다.나도 조금(뿐)만 다시 생각해 보려고 한 것이다.

When I tested the bigger Borrego, I found it an unimpressive, ill-timed vehicle, even though it offered a nice powertrain that could chew up snow. The inclement weather played to the vehicle"s strong suit—never going over 40 mph.

큰 편의 Borrego를 시승했을 때에는, 인상의 얇은, 시대에 뒤떨어진 자동차라고 생각했다.확실히 눈길을 밟아 평균화하는 좋은 파워트레인을 가지고는 있지만.나쁜 상태의 기후 쪽이 이 자동차에는 최적일 것이다-결코 시속 40마일을 넘지 않는 것 같은.

When sunny days returned and I opened up the V-6 Borrego, I found few areas of this seven-passenger SUV worth of any consideration.

맑은 날이 오고, V-6의 Borrego를 재차 평가해 보고, 이 7인승의 SUV는 구입을 검토하는 것에 적합한 요소가 거의없는 것에 깨달았다.

It"s a brand new model but it"s already out dated. The only thing the V-6 model will accomplish for Kia is lowering the automaker"s fleet mileage in federal CAFÃ% ratings.

이것은 최신의 모델이지만, 벌써 시대에 뒤떨어지고 있다.V-6 모델이 키아에 기여하는 것이 있다고 하면, 연방의 CAFE 규제 랭크(주:미국의 자동차 메이커별 평균 연비 규제)를 내리는 것 정도일 것이다.

While the 3.8-liter V-6 provides ample power—276 horses and 267-pound-feet of torque—the highway revealed a soft underbelly of bad performance and awful gas mileage.

3.8L V-6 엔진은 충분한 파워를 출력한다-276 마력 토르크 267 pf -이지만 그러나, 하이웨이에서는, 취약한 밑주위에 의한 심한 주행 감각과 무섭고 나쁜 연비를 드러낸다.

Yes, the sticker (and EPA) says the Borrego will get 21 miles per gallon on the highway. Apparently, Interstate 94 is not that highway, where I averaged city mileage numbers (16 mpg) on the trip to Chicago and 18 mpg on the way back.

확실히, 스티커(EPA:주:인증 기관)는, Borrego의 하이웨이 주행시 21마일(1 갤런)을 나타내고는 있다.(으)로 하면 분명하게, 인터 스테이트 94호는, 그 종의 하이웨이는 아니라고 하는 것이다.시카고에 갈 때는 거리 타기도 포함해 16마일, 귀가는 18마일이었다.

The poor gas mileage forced me to stop for fuel in Gary, Indiana. If you think Detroit has issues, try touring Gary in search of cheap gasoline and cartons of cigarettes.

연비가 나쁜 것이니까, 인디애나의 Gary로 급유 하지 않을 수 없었다.그리고, 만약 당신이 디트로이트에 불만이 있다면, Gary에 가면 좋다.가소인은 싸고, 담배도 싸다.

Now, I might be more forgiving of the mileage numbers had I kept a blistering pace—arriving in the Windy City in four hours, like so many of my friends say they do. (I believe none of them.)

아니, 혹시 연비의 나쁨에 대해서는(괴로운 채점을) 고려해야할 것인가도 모르다-맹스피드로 날린 것이니까.친구의 대부분이 그렇게 말하고 있도록(듯이), Windy City까지 4시간에 도착했다.(친구는 모두, 거짓말을 하고 있다고 생각하지만.)

No, I was not speeding any more than the next guy outside of Paw Paw, and while the Borrego can hit 80 mph, the high-riding SUV starts to float a little too much at that speed for my liking.

아니, Paw Paw를 나오고 나서는 그렇게는 스피드를 내지 않지만, Borrego가 80마일( 약 130km/h )에 이르렀을 때, 자신에게 있어서는 쾌적한 이 스피드로, 이 SUV는 다리가 뜨는 거동을 몇번이나 가리키기 시작했다.

At 70 mph, the wind and road noise become unbearable. You turn up the stereo to try and drown out wind and concrete with “Songs for Drella” or any other Lou Reed on hand. The true test of a car"s road noise level comes when you stop. Turn off the car without adjusting the volume and get out of the vehicle for a few minutes. When you get back in, just turn the key and see how loud the stereo was when you were on the highway. If it"s at a comfortable level, maybe a touch louder than you like, the interior noise is not bad. In the Borrego, the rearview mirror shook so violently back and forth, I thought it might pop off the glass.

시속 70마일로, 바람 가르는 소리와 로드 노이즈는 견딜 수 없을만큼 된다.스테레오 음량을 올리고, 바람 가르는 소리를 억제해 루·리드의“Songs for Drella”같은 것을 듣는다고 한다.로드 노이즈 레벨이라는 것은, 사실, 자동차를 멈추었을 때에 아는 것이다.스테레오 음량을 조정하지 않고 정차해, 조금(뿐)만 자동차를 떨어진다.자동차로 돌아오고 키를 돌렸을 때에, 하이웨이 운전시에 얼마나의 음량으로 스테레오를 듣고 있었는지 안다.만약 그것이, 조금(뿐)만 크다, 라고 생각하는 정도의 적당의 레벨이었다라면, 그 자동차의 차내 노이즈는 나쁘지 않은, 이라고 말할 수 있다.Borrego의 경우에는, 지나친 대음량으로 룸 밀러가 전후에 몹시 흔들리는 것이니까, 밀러가 제외되어 뛰쳐나올까 생각한 만큼이다.

A second test was in order, so I stopped at a Wendy"s near Jackson. When I got back into the Borrego and turned the key, the rear view mirror vibrated so much it reminded me of a friend with nystagmus. I should give him a call. Though I couldn"t do it hands free—my test vehicle did not have the $350 Bluetooth option.

다음의 시험이 대기하고 있어 Jackson의 가까이의 Wendy"s에 자동차를 멈추었다.Borrego로 돌아오고 키를 돌렸을 때, 룸 밀러가 몹시 진동한 것이니까, 나는 안진증(주:안구가 조금씩 진동해, 시야가 떨리는 증상)을 병을 앓고 있는 친구를 생각해 냈다.나는 그에게 전화해야 했을지도 모른다.그러나, 테스트차에는$350의 Bluetooth 옵션이 붙지 않았으니까, 그것은 할 수 없었다.

I can note that there"s a nice little connector on the center console next to the gear shifter that connects your personal music device and automatically switches the stereo to auxiliary mode. There"s also a USB connection there, though I couldn"t get my iPhone to work with the connection correctly. The downside to the easy access to the connections is that if you plug everything in, it can turn your center console with all of the wires into a plate of spaghetti.

센타콘소르의 시프트 기어의 옆에는 작은 연결기가 붙어 있고, 소지의 음악 디바이스와 접속해, 스테레오는 자동적으로 모드를 바꾸어 준다.이제(벌써) 1개, USB 연결기까지 갖추고 있지만, 자신의 iPhone를 올바르게 접속할 수 없었다.접속이 용이한 것의 단점은, 만약 다양한 디바이스를 연결했을 경우, 어수선한 와이어로 센타콘소르가 마치 스파게티의 접시같이 되는 것이다.

But most of the interior is cheap and overdone.

그러나, 인테리어의 대부분은, 염가, 한편, 해 넘은 인상이다.

And the seat, while fine for a quick trip around town, bordered on abusive for the five-hour trip to Chicago. The back support was minimal and if I stay seated the same way for too long my legs would fall asleep.

시트는 거리 타기 정도의 단시간이라면 좋을 것이지만, 시카고까지의 5시간의 드라이브에서는 매도하고 싶지도 되는 레벨이다.시트의 백 서포트는 최소한이며, 만약 장시간 같은 자세로 앉아 있었다면, 나의 다리는 마비될 것이다.

I would have fallen sleep too during the drive it hadn"t been for my suitcase bumping around in the back. On a few occasions, I was hit with a heavy crosswind that would cause me to push to one side very heavily in my lane. This would cause my suitcase to roll across the back of the Borrego. The hard plastic on the back of the third row, which I had folded flat, made it slippery.

나 자신도 드라이브중에 조는 곳(중)이었지만, 슈트 케이스가 배후에서 허둥지둥 부딪치고 있는 것이니까 자지 않고 끝났다.몇 번인가, 강한 횡풍으로 부추겨졌기 때문에, 레인의 한쪽 편에 강하게 밀렸다.그 번에, 슈트 케이스가 Borrego의 후부에서 누웠던 것이다.3 번째 시트를 정리하고 있었지만, 시트의 배면이 단단한 플라스틱으로 되어있기 위해, (정리했을 때의 마루의 면이) 미끄러지기 쉬워지고 있다.

The body rolled all of the time: Exiting the highway, entering the highway, turning at a corner and, sometimes, on windy straight aways. It seemed severe and was always punctuated with a thunkfrom my suitcase hitting the wall of the SUV.

차체는 언제나 롤 하는:하이웨이를 나올 때, 하이웨이에 들어갈 때, 코너에서 돌 때, 그리고 때에는, 바람이 강한 직진 주행으로.그것은 심한 것으로, 그 번에, 의리가 있게도 나의 슈트 케이스는 SUV의 벽면에 부딪친다.

This seems the apt metaphor for the Borrego: A vehicle that arrived too late, and, no doubt, will leave too soon.

Borrego에 대해서는, 이것은 적절한 은유(비유)라고 생각된다.늦어 도착한 자동차는, 의심할 수가 없고, 신속하게 떠나 갈 것이다.

With a starting price of $26,000 for a two-wheel drive model, my 4x4, which came nicely loaded with leather, upgraded stereo, running boards and a host of other features, topped out at $36,000.

2구모델은$26,000으로부터 스타트 하지만, 내가 테스트한 4구모델은, 가죽 사양, 상급 스테레오, 주행계 그 외 장비를 탑재하고 있어,$36,000에 이른다.

That"s 36,000 U.S. dollars.


The V-6 Borrego wouldn"t compare very well to a 10-year-old Ford Explorer, which, according to Kelley Blue Book, you can pick up for $3,300.

V-6의 Borrego는, 10년 빠짐의 포드 Explorer와 비교해서는 안될 것이지만, Kelley Blue Book에 의하면, 그 가격은,$3,300이다.

Did you hear that? I think it was a thunk.
(들)물었습니까?나는, 결론은 나와 있다고 생각하지만.



Scott Burgess is the auto critic for The Detroit News.



데뷔전의 Enjoy 시대(?)에 조금 화제에 나왔었어요, 이 자동차.데뷔한 이래, 여기 KJ에서는 지금까지 별로 화제가 되지 않는 것 같므로, 미국의 자동차평을 인용해 보겠습니다.덧붙여서 이Scott Burgess 씨는 전반에 괴로운 비평가입니다.


2009 Kia Borrego米国紙評(Detroit Newspapers)

2009 Kia Borrego

By Scott Burgess

Detroit Newspapers
February 21, 2009

I was too kind to the Kia Borrego after driving the V-8 model. Two stars may have been one too many.
멟궸긌귺 Borrego V-8긾긢깑귩럫뤸궢궫귦궚궬궕갂]돽궕듑궥궗궫귝궎궬갃맦괧궰궳궶궘갂괦궰궳[빁궬갃

Shortly after reviewing this big SUV, I had the opportunity to drive the V-6 version to Chicago. I briefly considered walking back.


When I tested the bigger Borrego, I found it an unimpressive, ill-timed vehicle, even though it offered a nice powertrain that could chew up snow. The inclement weather played to the vehicle"s strong suit -- never going over 40 mph.


When sunny days returned and I opened up the V-6 Borrego, I found few areas of this seven-passenger SUV worth of any consideration.


It"s a brand new model but it"s already out dated. The only thing the V-6 model will accomplish for Kia is lowering the automaker"s fleet mileage in federal CAFÃ% ratings.


While the 3.8-liter V-6 provides ample power -- 276 horses and 267-pound-feet of torque -- the highway revealed a soft underbelly of bad performance and awful gas mileage.

3.8L V-6긄깛긙깛궼[빁궶긬깗[귩뢯쀍궥귡|276봭쀍 긣깑긏267 pf |궬궕궢궔궢갂긪귽긂긃귽궳궼갂먇롢궶뫉됷귟궸귝귡궿궵궋몪뛱뒾둶궴갂떚귣궢궘닽궋봕뷂귩궠귞궚뢯궥갃

Yes, the sticker (and EPA) says the Borrego will get 21 miles per gallon on the highway. Apparently, Interstate 94 is not that highway, where I averaged city mileage numbers (16 mpg) on the trip to Chicago and 18 mpg on the way back.


The poor gas mileage forced me to stop for fuel in Gary, Indiana. If you think Detroit has issues, try touring Gary in search of cheap gasoline and cartons of cigarettes.


Now, I might be more forgiving of the mileage numbers had I kept a blistering pace -- arriving in the Windy City in four hours, like so many of my friends say they do. (I believe none of them.)

궋귘갂궿귛궯궴궥귡궴봕뷂궻닽궠궸궰궋궲궼걁릈궋띖_귩걂뛩뿶궥귊궖궔귖뭢귢궶궋|뽖긚긯[긤궳뷅궽궢궫귖궻궬궔귞갃뾈릐궻뫝궘궕궩궎뙻궯궲궋귡귝궎궸갂Windy City귏궳괪렄듩궳뭶궋궫갃걁뾈릐궼둊갂덿귩븊궋궲궋귡궴럙궎궕갃걂

No, I was not speeding any more than the next guy outside of Paw Paw, and while the Borrego can hit 80 mph, the high-riding SUV starts to float a little too much at that speed for my liking.

궋귘갂Paw Paw귩뢯궲궔귞궼궩귪궶궸궼긚긯[긤귩뢯궢궲궋궶궋귪궬궕갂Borrego궕80}귽깑걁뽵 130km/h 걂궸묪궢궫궴궖갂렔빁궸궴궯궲궼됻밙궶궞궻긚긯[긤궳갂궞궻SUV궼뫉궕븖궘귝궎궶땽벍귩돺뱗귖렑궢럑귕궫갃

At 70 mph, the wind and road noise become unbearable. You turn up the stereo to try and drown out wind and concrete with "Songs for Drella" or any other Lou Reed on hand. The true test of a car"s road noise level comes when you stop. Turn off the car without adjusting the volume and get out of the vehicle for a few minutes. When you get back in, just turn the key and see how loud the stereo was when you were on the highway. If it"s at a comfortable level, maybe a touch louder than you like, the interior noise is not bad. In the Borrego, the rearview mirror shook so violently back and forth, I thought it might pop off the glass.

렄뫊70}귽깑궳갂븮먛귟돶궴깓[긤긩귽긛궼뫯궑귞귢궶궋귌궵궸궶귡갃긚긡깒긆돶쀊귩뤵궛궲갂븮먛귟돶귩}궑궲깑[갋깏[긤궻"Songs for Drella"궔돺궔귩뮢궘궴궥귡갃깓[긤긩귽긛깒긹깑궴궋궎귖궻궼갂렳궻궴궞귣갂긏깑}귩믠귕궫궴궖궸빁궔귡귖궻궬갃긚긡깒긆돶쀊귩뮧맢궧궦궸믠롎궢갂궭귛궯궴궽궔귟긏깑}귩뿣귢귡갃긏깑}궸뽣궯궲긌[귩됷궢궫렄궸갂긪귽긂긃귽^]렄궸궵귢궬궚궻돶쀊궳긚긡깒긆귩뮢궋궲궋궫궔빁궔귡궻궬갃귖궢궩귢궕갂룺궢궽궔귟묈궖궋궶갂궴럙궎궙귞궋궻귌궵귌궵궻깒긹깑궬궯궫궶귞궽갂궩궻긏깑}궻롎볙긩귽긛궼닽궘궶궋갂궴뙻궑귡갃Borrego궻뤾뜃궸궼갂궇귏귟궻묈돶쀊궳깑[~깋[궕멟뚣궸궿궵궘뾥귢귡귖궻궬궔귞갂~깋[궕둖귢궲뷅귂뢯궥궔궴럙궯궫귌궵궬갃

A second test was in order, so I stopped at a Wendy"s near Jackson. When I got back into the Borrego and turned the key, the rear view mirror vibrated so much it reminded me of a friend with nystagmus. I should give him a call. Though I couldn"t do it hands free -- my test vehicle did not have the $350 Bluetooth option.


I can note that there"s a nice little connector on the center console next to the gear shifter that connects your personal music device and automatically switches the stereo to auxiliary mode. There"s also a USB connection there, though I couldn"t get my iPhone to work with the connection correctly. The downside to the easy access to the connections is that if you plug everything in, it can turn your center console with all of the wires into a plate of spaghetti.


But most of the interior is cheap and overdone.


And the seat, while fine for a quick trip around town, bordered on abusive for the five-hour trip to Chicago. The back support was minimal and if I stay seated the same way for too long my legs would fall asleep.


I would have fallen sleep too during the drive it hadn"t been for my suitcase bumping around in the back. On a few occasions, I was hit with a heavy crosswind that would cause me to push to one side very heavily in my lane. This would cause my suitcase to roll across the back of the Borrego. The hard plastic on the back of the third row, which I had folded flat, made it slippery.


The body rolled all of the time: Exiting the highway, entering the highway, turning at a corner and, sometimes, on windy straight aways. It seemed severe and was always punctuated with a thunkfrom my suitcase hitting the wall of the SUV.


This seems the apt metaphor for the Borrego: A vehicle that arrived too late, and, no doubt, will leave too soon.


With a starting price of $26,000 for a two-wheel drive model, my 4x4, which came nicely loaded with leather, upgraded stereo, running boards and a host of other features, topped out at $36,000.


That"s 36,000 U.S. dollars.


The V-6 Borrego wouldn"t compare very well to a 10-year-old Ford Explorer, which, according to Kelley Blue Book, you can pick up for $3,300.

V-6궻Borrego궼갂10봏뿇궭궻긲긅[긤 Explorer궴붶귊귡귊궖궳궼궶궋궬귣궎궕갂Kelley Blue Book궸귝귢궽갂궩궻뭠뭝궼갂$3,300궬갃

Did you hear that? I think it was a thunk.



Scott Burgess is the auto critic for The Detroit News.



긢긮깄[멟궻Enjoy렄묆걁갎걂궸룺궢쁞묋궸뢯궲귏궢궫궺갂궞궻긏깑}갃긢긮깄[궢궲댥뿀갂궞궞KJ궳궼궞귢귏궳궇귏귟쁞묋궸궶궯궲궋궶궋귝궎궳궥궻궳갂빫뜎궻렔벍롎]귩덙뾭궢궲귒귏궥갃궭궶귒궸궞궻Scott Burgess 럞궼멣붗궸릈귕궻붳]됄궳궥갃



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