

동일 봐 Automotive News에, Mark Rechtin씨의 시사가 풍부하는 칼럼이

게재되고 있으므로, 인용해 본다.


Hyundai has been busted over performance claims before

Hyundai는 과거에도 성능 신고로 고발되고 있다

LOS ANGELES—It was revealed Friday that Hyundai Motor and its Kia Motors affiliate had overstated mpg ratings on 900,000 vehicles.
And it was not the first time Hyundai has been caught in its own false claims.
지난 금요일에, Hyundai와 그 관련 회사 나오는 Kia가, 90만대의 판매 차량에 대하고 연비를 부풀리고 있었던 것이 공표되었다.
Hyundai가 자신이 공표한 거짓의 값에 의해서 지탄 되는 것은, 이것이 처음은 아니다.

In 2002, Hyundai admitted that it had overstated horsepower ratings on 1.3 million vehicles. At the time Hyundai said it would make compensation payments of between $76 million and $127 million, while plaintiffs” lawyers projected the actual payout would be closer to $30 million.
2002년, Hyundai는 1.3백만대의 차량에 대해 마력을 과대 신고 하고 있던 것을 인정했다.당시 , Hyundai가 공표한 곳은, 76백만 미 달러에서 127백만 미 달러의 보상을 할 것이라고였지만, 원고 변호단에 의하면, 실제의 지불은 30백만 미 달러 정도로 머물고 있는 것 같다.


우연의 일치?

Consider this: Back in the 1990s, before Hyundai had a reputation for quality, it was selling a lot fewer vehicles, many of which were seen as wheezy donkeys. So the automaker banked on horsepower.
조금 되돌아 보자: 1990년대, Hyundai가 품질로(나쁘다) 평가를 얻고 있었을 때, 판매 대수는 아득하게 소량이며, 그러한 많게는 역부족의 온 고물차라고 보여지고 있었다.거기서 Hyundai는 마력에 주목했다.

Hyundai vehicles suddenly found buckets of power in its wee engines, gaining 5 or 10 hp that hadn"t existed before. The engines jumped to the head of their competitive classes. Horsepower became a key refrain in Hyundai advertising.
Hyundai의 차는, 갑자기, 작은 엔진으로부터 흘러넘치 듯이 출력을 내기 시작해 이전에는 없었던 5에서 10 마력을 얻게 되었다.그것들 엔진은, 경합 클래스안에서도 톱 성능에 뛰어 올랐다.마력은, Hyundai의 광고 선전에 대해 키워드가 되어, 그것은 몇번이나 조 돌려주어졌다.

Then came the hammer. The EPA busted Hyundai for overstating horsepower on six vehicles spanning up to 11 model years. Ratings on some six-cylinder models were off by as much as 20 hp. Hyundai claimed the too-high numbers stemmed from improper testing procedures.
그리고, 철퇴가 내려졌다.EPA는, 11년간의 이어 모델에 미치는 6 차종에 대해서, Hyundai가 마력을 과대 신고 하고 있는 것을 고발했다.몇개의 6 기통 모델은 20 마력이나 값을 줄이게 되었다.이 때 Hyundai는, 너무 높은 값은, 부적절한 테스트의 수속에 원인이 있었다고 발표하고 있다.

So, back to 2012.

그러면 2012년으로 되돌아와 보자

Hyundai"s recent fuel economy numbers have been questioned by journalists who tested their vehicles, including this author. The mileage shortfalls were mentioned in articles, but writers typically attributed the shortfall to their own leaden feet rather than the cars.
최근의 Hyundai의 연비 공표치는, 나 자신을 포함한 Hyundai차를 시승을 한 복수의 져널리스트로부터 의문을 던질 수 있어 왔다.기사 속에서는 연비가 공표치에 이르지 않는 것에 언급되고 있었지만, 많은 져널리스트는 연비 부족을 차량보다는 자신의 난폭한 운전에 원인이 있으면 간주했다.

When I tested an Elantra, which boasted 29/40 mpg ratings, I eked out 25.2 mpg in a combined driving cycle. When I tested an Accent, with a 30/40 mpg claim, I got just 26 mpg.
공표29/40 mpg를 자랑하는 Elantra를 내가 시승했을 때에는,나는 간신히 하이웨이/시가 합성으로 25.2 mpg를 얻는 것이 겨우였다.공표30/40 mpg의 Accent를 시승했을 때에는, 합성으로 26 mpg였다.

I asked Hyundai executives about the discrepancy. They said that perhaps my test vehicles had bad engine-management settings, too-low tire pressure or something to that effect.
나는 Hyundai의 중역에게 이 갭에 대해 물었다.그들에 의하면, 아마 나의 시승차의 엔진 관리 상태가 나쁘거나, 타이어의 공기압이 너무 낮았는지 무엇인가가 영향을 주었을 것이다, 라고 하는 것이었다.

I pursued my query further, asking whether it is possible to game the EPA testing system, to create engine software settings to perfectly match the EPA driving cycle to obtain maximum fuel-efficiency scores.
나는 한층 더 이 의념을 추구해, 최고의 연비 스코아를 얻기 위해서 EPA 평가의 운전 조건에 완벽하게 성냥 시킨 엔진 ECU의 소프트웨어 설정을 베푸는 것으로, EPA의 시험 자체를 속이는 것이 가능할지, 물었다.

Of course, when you were not driving exactly to that measurement, fuel economy would likely fall off, I posited. Hyundai"s response: It was no different from anyone else in the fuel economy competition.
그러한 측정 방식과 전혀 똑같이 운전하지 않았다면, 연비는 현격히 떨어질 것이다, 라고 가정해.Hyundai의 회답: 연비로 경합 하는 다른 자동차 메이커와 아무런 다른 방법은 취하지 않았다.

Now that the EPA has made the shortfall official, Hyundai is claiming an error in—you guessed it—testing methods in South Korea.
그런데 지금, EPA는 연비의 부족을 공식으로 발표해, Hyundai는, 여러분추찰대로, 한국에서의 테스트 방법으로, 에러의 원인을 요구하고 있다.

That an automaker with two distinct brands could mistakenly test 13 model lines, with several chief engineers running the programs, over a period of years seems like a reach.
2가 다른 브랜드를 가지는 자동차 회사가, 13 차종에 대하고, 몇 사람이나의 주력 엔지니어들이 프로그램을 실행하면서, 몇 년간에 걸쳐 차량 테스트를 틀려 왔다는 것은 조금 대단한 것일 것이다.

But that"s Hyundai"s story, and Hyundai"s sticking to it. Again.
그러나 그것이 Hyundai의 사용 방법이며, Hyundai는 그 방식을 고집했던 것이다.또다시.





【상습범】 상습범

    1 일정한 범죄를 반복해 실시하는 버릇이 있는 사람이 범하는 죄.또, 그 사람.관행범.
    2 바람직하지 않은 것을 언제나 반복하는 사람.





おなじみAutomotive Newsに、Mark Rechtin氏の示唆に富むコラムが



Hyundai has been busted over performance claims before


LOS ANGELES -- It was revealed Friday that Hyundai Motor and its Kia Motors affiliate had overstated mpg ratings on 900,000 vehicles.
And it was not the first time Hyundai has been caught in its own false claims.

In 2002, Hyundai admitted that it had overstated horsepower ratings on 1.3 million vehicles. At the time Hyundai said it would make compensation payments of between $76 million and $127 million, while plaintiffs" lawyers projected the actual payout would be closer to $30 million.



Consider this: Back in the 1990s, before Hyundai had a reputation for quality, it was selling a lot fewer vehicles, many of which were seen as wheezy donkeys. So the automaker banked on horsepower.
ちょっと振り返ってみよう: 1990年代、Hyundaiが品質で(悪い)評価を得ていたとき、販売台数ははるかに少量であり、それらの多くは力不足のオンボロ車だと見なされていた。そこでHyundaiは馬力に着目した。

Hyundai vehicles suddenly found buckets of power in its wee engines, gaining 5 or 10 hp that hadn"t existed before. The engines jumped to the head of their competitive classes. Horsepower became a key refrain in Hyundai advertising.

Then came the hammer. The EPA busted Hyundai for overstating horsepower on six vehicles spanning up to 11 model years. Ratings on some six-cylinder models were off by as much as 20 hp. Hyundai claimed the too-high numbers stemmed from improper testing procedures.
そして、鉄槌が下された。EPAは、11年間のイヤーモデルにおよぶ 6車種について、Hyundaiが馬力を過大申告していることを告発した。いくつかの6気筒モデルは 20馬力も値を減らすことになった。このときHyundaiは、高すぎる値は、不適切なテストの手続きに原因があったと発表している。

So, back to 2012.


Hyundai"s recent fuel economy numbers have been questioned by journalists who tested their vehicles, including this author. The mileage shortfalls were mentioned in articles, but writers typically attributed the shortfall to their own leaden feet rather than the cars.

When I tested an Elantra, which boasted 29/40 mpg ratings, I eked out 25.2 mpg in a combined driving cycle. When I tested an Accent, with a 30/40 mpg claim, I got just 26 mpg.
公表29/40 mpgを誇るElantraを私が試乗したときには、私はかろうじてハイウェイ/市街合成で25.2 mpgを得るのがやっとだった。公表30/40 mpgのAccentを試乗したときには、合成で 26 mpgだった。

I asked Hyundai executives about the discrepancy. They said that perhaps my test vehicles had bad engine-management settings, too-low tire pressure or something to that effect.

I pursued my query further, asking whether it is possible to game the EPA testing system, to create engine software settings to perfectly match the EPA driving cycle to obtain maximum fuel-efficiency scores.

Of course, when you were not driving exactly to that measurement, fuel economy would likely fall off, I posited. Hyundai"s response: It was no different from anyone else in the fuel economy competition.
そのような測定方式とまったく同じように運転しなかったなら、燃費は格段に落ちるだろう、と仮定して。Hyundaiの回答: 燃費で競合する他の自動車メーカーと何ら違う方法はとっていない。

Now that the EPA has made the shortfall official, Hyundai is claiming an error in -- you guessed it -- testing methods in South Korea.

That an automaker with two distinct brands could mistakenly test 13 model lines, with several chief engineers running the programs, over a period of years seems like a reach.

But that"s Hyundai"s story, and Hyundai"s sticking to it. Again.





【常習犯】 じょうしゅうはん




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