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Interaction design, also known as interaction design, is the field of design that defines and designs the behavior of man-made systems. Artifacts, ie, artificially made items, such as software, mobile devices, artificial environments, services, wearable devices, and the organization of systems. Interaction design is about defining the interface related to the way the artifact behaves (the “interaction”, that is, how the artifact reacts in a specific situation). Interaction design bridges information architecture and visual design to form an easier-to-use user interface.what is ecommerce


Interaction design, also known as interaction design, is the field of design that defines and designs the behavior of man-made systems. Artifacts, ie, artificially made items, such as software, mobile devices, artificial environments, services, wearable devices, and the organization of systems. Interaction design is about defining the interface related to the way the artifact behaves (the "interaction", that is, how the artifact reacts in a specific situation). Interaction design bridges information architecture and visual design to form an easier-to-use user interface.what is ecommerce

TOTAL: 10136

番号 タイトル ライター 参照 推薦
10136 日本大使館前で旭日旗パフォーマン....... JAPAV57 04-25 17 0
10135 米韓の日本産桜への反応が正反対 JAPAV57 04-16 94 0
10134 韓国旅行に行ってきた率直な感想。 (3) Gaibo 03-31 230 1
10133 同じiPhoneのケースを身に着けたカッ....... qiqi 03-22 205 0
10132 韓国でも日本語の看板の店が続々開....... JAPAV57 03-19 226 0
10131 米国人が一番好きな国は日本 JAPAV57 03-19 241 1
10130 日本人が南朝鮮人を凄く嫌う理由 Trlp 03-12 358 0
10129 2024年高麗山つつじ祭り案内 (5) junLIVE 03-10 409 1
10128 北海道を悩ます韓国人の非マナー (2) JAPAV57 03-10 369 0
10127 4月から京都祇園が外国人立入禁止に JAPAV57 03-09 339 0
10126 日本沈沒 copysaru25 03-08 293 0
10125 韓国の外国人観光客が90万人以下に (1) JAPAV57 03-03 350 0
10124 NO JAPAN終焉の危機!訪日韓国人過去最....... JAPAV57 02-22 399 0
10123 観光バス運転体験 「国宝だんご」 02-21 428 0
10122 世界2位の反日国、中国デパートの実....... JAPAV57 02-19 395 0
10121 敢えて日本の田舎を旅行する中国人 JAPAV57 02-15 448 0
10120 韓国、日本車の駐車場利用を許可 (2) JAPAV57 02-10 516 0
10119 Flat wide Jomon head nose Japloser 02-09 412 0
10118 Jap sounds so dirty and thick. TAKATKATKATKA Japloser 02-08 405 0
10117 What can inferior Jap compete Korea??? Japloser 02-08 400 0