伝統文化紹介 Relationship

센다이의 유학생!

안녕하세요 나는 유학생의 친구와 일본과 외국의 비교, 특히 아시아의 유학생에 대하고 요리를 하거나 서로 서로 이야기할 기회가 있습니다 지금은 토호쿠대의 유학생을 중심으로 하고 있습니다 센다이에 있는 한국의 유학생에게 꼭 참가해 주었으면 합니다 an nyung I"m sophomore at Tohoku univ and we have meanting once two weeks on Tuesday We talk about a/t on each countries especially Asian The purpose is that we are gonna realize and understand cultual differences thru cooking, talking and so on,,,,,, I want you join us (no regard as your nationality) You are welcomed. You are gonna be able to talk w/ many students from Asia, Euro and USA. The MC is Korean boy from KAIST and he is good at English. Therefore you don"t have to be good at English and Japanese I am looking forward to your joining. send me e-mail plz b2232s1224@msn.com

TOTAL: 9579

番号 タイトル ライター 参照 推薦
219 일본 이미지를 ....... ミッち 2005-07-07 3655 0
218 re:日本にギャラリーが密集されてい....... macho 2005-06-21 2994 0
217 楽々日払いバイトを探す chikashi 2005-06-17 3611 0
216 サークル^^ syo 2005-06-13 3662 0
215 日本語と日本文化を体験しますか? 래밸 2005-06-09 3394 0
214 望むことで伝える心 suyabu 2005-06-08 3721 0
213 映画「愛しのサガジ」 さっちゃん 2005-06-06 3602 0
212 ソ¥ウルは、どちら? cmek603 2005-06-06 3599 0
211 エンタテイナー達の交流会が始まり....... 東京ムーン 2005-06-01 3051 0
210 日本にギャラリーが密集されている....... lovly jjong 2005-05-30 2928 0
209 ヤングファゾッアする方 sunmi 2005-05-29 2791 0
208 韓国を知る懇話会 myungsoo 2005-05-26 3783 0
207 異文化理解のための勉強会 myungsoo 2005-05-26 3431 0
206 AOI, Junseiのように.... sunmi 2005-05-24 3171 0
205 交流イベントを Adela 2005-05-21 3022 0
204 花と器前 suyabu 2005-05-19 3341 0
203 関下嫁だと戦闘と言う(のは)何でしょ....... inzazz 2005-05-18 3871 0
202 re:re:チマ sachi 2005-05-18 2725 0
201 re:日本円 sachi 2005-05-18 2985 0
200 도쿄에서 광주5....... スピード 2005-05-18 3732 0