良い友達 PositiveFreeStyle

March 25

              The Healing Touch

Touch, yes, touch, speaks the wordless words of love.

We receive so much touch when we are babies and so little when we are adults.

Still, in friendship, touch often gives more life than words.

A friend"s hand strocking our back, a friend"s arms resting on our shoulder, a friend"s fingers wiping our tears away, a friend"s lips kissing our forehead- these bring true consolation.  These moments of touch are truly sacred.

They restore, they reconcile, they reassure, they forgive, they heal.

  Everyone who touched Jesus and everyone whom Jesus touched were healed.

God"s love and power went out from him.

When a friend touches us with free, nonpossessive love, it is God"s incarnate love that touches us and God"s power that heals us.


해석을 할까하다가 너무 어색해서 그냥 올립니다.

Bread for the Journey 에 있는 오늘 3월 25일의 글입니다.

이글을 읽고 사람들과의 정을 더 돈독히 하시길 빕니다.

kj에 있는 많은 사랑하는 사람들께....

Bread for the Journey

March 25

The Healing Touch

Touch, yes, touch, speaks the wordless words of love.

We receive so much touch when we are babies and so little when we are adults.

Still, in friendship, touch often gives more life than words.

A friend"s hand strocking our back, a friend"s arms resting on our shoulder, a friend"s fingers wiping our tears away, a friend"s lips kissing our forehead- these bring true consolation. These moments of touch are truly sacred.

They restore, they reconcile, they reassure, they forgive, they heal.

Everyone who touched Jesus and everyone whom Jesus touched were healed.

God"s love and power went out from him.

When a friend touches us with free, nonpossessive love, it is God"s incarnate love that touches us and God"s power that heals us.


해석을 할까하다가 너무 어색해서 그냥 올립니다.

Bread for the Journey 에 있는 오늘 3월 25일의 글입니다.

이글을 읽고 사람들과의 정을 더 돈독히 하시길 빕니다.

kj에 있는 많은 사랑하는 사람들께....

TOTAL: 8260

番号 タイトル ライター 参照 推薦
220 오늘 번개 재미....... 2000-03-25 162 0
219 효식이에게 2000-03-25 164 0
218 유후~~~~^^ 2000-03-25 183 0
217 Re: [인물탐방] 신....... 2000-03-25 180 0
216 저의 친구..는... 2000-03-24 264 0
215 머야 너....--+ 2000-03-24 282 0
214 Re: <친구>...(#친구7) 2000-03-24 192 0
213 친구라.... 2000-03-24 160 0
212 Re: [인물탐방] 신....... 2000-03-24 174 0
211 Re: [인물탐방] 신....... 2000-03-24 168 0
210 <아주 가끔은>...(#&#....... 2000-03-24 159 0
209 <우정이란...>...(#친....... 2000-03-24 168 0
208 <친구에게2>...(#친&#....... 2000-03-24 164 0
207 <친구>...(#친구7) 2000-03-24 184 0
206 <친구에게1>...(#친&#....... 2000-03-24 271 0
205 미야~~~으흐흐흐....... 2000-03-24 350 0
204 옹~~ 2000-03-24 309 0
203 Re: [인물탐방] 신....... 2000-03-24 225 0
202 [인물탐방] 신청....... 2000-03-24 238 0
201 Re: [이벤트] 인물 &#....... 2000-03-24 246 0