
 Hello.I`m a Japanese girl live in Niigata.I was born 1981.I`m so sorry about that I can`t write Korean with my PC,but I can read korean,so Please send me e-mail by Korean if you want!
Anyway,I can speak English and Korean(a little).I was studying korean in Seoul for 6 months.And I had a korean boyfriend for 3years,but he dumped me out.(;.;)But..I`m getting ok now.
I love korea and my korean friends!I want to make korean friends more and more!I will go to Seoul sometimes,so let`s meet that time.And if you are living in Niigata,we can meet sometimes.
And I can send you my pictures if you want.People usually say I`m cute,but I don`t know I am or not.

Please send me e-mail!!

Niigata에 살고 있습니다

 Hello.I`m a Japanese girl live in Niigata.I was born 1981. I`m so sorry about that I can`t write Korean with my PC, but I can read korean, so Please send me e-mail by Korean if you want! Anyway, I can speak English and Korean(a little). I was studying korean in Seoul for 6 months.And I had a korean boyfriend for 3years, but he dumped me out. (;. ;) But..I`m getting ok now. I love korea and my korean friends! I want to make korean friends more and more! I will go to Seoul sometimes, so let`s meet that time.And if you are living in Niigata, we can meet sometimes. And I can send you my pictures if you want.People usually say I`m cute, but I don`t know I am or not. Please send me e-mail!!

TOTAL: 904

番号 タイトル ライター 参照 推薦
584 日本ペンフレンド捜します‾ 쪼매니 2003-10-29 2960 0
583 韓国人です &#....... iban 2003-10-28 1565 0
582 I am looking for Japanese friend 친구에서 연인으로 2003-10-27 1462 0
581 こんにちは☆ TAMA 2003-10-26 1704 0
580 私の年令に同じ友逹と付き合いたい....... relovery 2003-10-24 1519 0
579 日本の友達捜します!,. 쪼매니 2003-10-23 2737 0
578 日本の友達必要です 산책맨 2003-10-23 1400 0
577 親しい韓国人友達が必要ですか? firebomber 2003-10-18 3022 0
576 こんにちは... 까르티에파샤 2003-10-18 1608 0
575 日本の友達捜します.. lkw2122 2003-10-14 1713 0
574 仕事をしたイン親転がる付き合って....... tkfkdgo0726 2003-10-09 1701 0
573 My e-mail address love-offspring 2003-10-07 1403 0
572 Niigataに住んでいます love-offspring 2003-10-07 3371 0
571 여러분 감기 조....... funny367 2003-09-29 1799 0
570 안녕하세요^^* Ᏺ....... christian58 2003-09-26 2892 0
569 石川県民の方! Father_Christmas 2003-09-18 1863 0
568 일본칭구 구함 ....... 채간호사 2003-09-18 1765 0
567 日本の友達捜します kmkjjangs 2003-09-16 1447 0
566 こんにちは, ^ ^ 日本ペンパル友達を....... pporory00 2003-09-15 1435 0
565 日本語はできないが日本の友達をた....... lilac246 2003-09-11 1593 0