

  連絡先:  osakezuki.study@gmail.com

Looking for Korean language native speakers who can help a Korean language learner (that"s me) by recording the vocal sound of Korean words and sentences.  The work will be paid. If you"re interested, please email to the contact below with brief introduction of your background.

  Contact:  osakezuki.study@gmail.com



The purpose is only for getting the recorded vocal data of Korean words and sentences for personal study. Will never meet directly nor have direct conversation.

The agreed fee will be certainly paid after work.

한국어 네티브 스피커 모집 Looking for Korean Language Native Speaker

한국어의 공부 때문에, 한국어의 단어와 예문의 음성을 녹음해, 음성 데이터를 제공해 주는 한국어 네티브 스피커의 분을 찾고 있습니다.작업해 주신 만큼은, 답례를 지불 합니다.흥미가 있는 분은 간단한 백그라운드의 소개와 함께 아래와 같이까지 연락해 주십시오.

  연락처: osakezuki.study@gmail.com

Looking for Korean language native speakers who can help a Korean language learner (that"s me) by recording the vocal sound of Korean words and sentences. The work will be paid. If you"re interested, please email to the contact below with brief introduction of your background.

  Contact: osakezuki.study@gmail.com

목적은 개인 학습용의 단어와 예문의 녹음 음성 데이터의 입수뿐이어, 직접 뵙는 일도, 직접 이야기하기도 없습니다.

보수는 합의된 금액을 반드시 지불 합니다.

The purpose is only for getting the recorded vocal data of Korean words and sentences for personal study. Will never meet directly nor have direct conversation.

The agreed fee will be certainly paid after work.

TOTAL: 6043

番号 タイトル ライター 参照 推薦
6043 東京散歩 国立新美術館:テート美術....... nnemon2 2023-12-28 482 0
6042 東京散歩 梅の花見散歩(梅ヶ丘) nnemon2 2023-12-28 449 0
6041 東京散歩 桜の花見散歩(砧公園)前....... nnemon2 2023-12-28 490 0
6040 東京散歩 桜の花見散歩(砧公園)後....... nnemon2 2023-12-28 484 0
6039 東京散歩 東京国立近代美術館 ピー....... nnemon2 2023-12-28 441 0
6038 東京散歩 府中市郷土の森博物館(紫....... nnemon2 2023-12-27 517 0
6037 東京散歩 府中市郷土の森博物館(紫....... nnemon2 2023-12-27 478 0
6036 東京散歩 府中市郷土の森博物館(紫....... nnemon2 2023-12-27 445 0
6035 東京散歩 府中市郷土の森博物館(紫....... nnemon2 2023-12-27 445 0
6034 東京散歩 高幡不動尊 金剛(kongou)寺....... nnemon2 2023-12-27 443 0
6033 東京散歩 高幡不動尊 金剛(kongou)寺....... nnemon2 2023-12-27 466 0
6032 東京散歩 高幡不動尊 金剛(kongou)寺....... nnemon2 2023-12-27 451 0
6031 東京の大きな銀杏並木&お気に入り....... nnemon2 2023-12-26 435 0
6030 東京都心散歩前編(銀座) nnemon2 2023-12-26 455 0
6029 東京都心散歩後編(丸の内) nnemon2 2023-12-26 440 0
6028 東京都心散歩(丸の内・日比谷) nnemon2 2023-12-26 433 0
6027 東京散歩(等々力渓谷)他 nnemon2 2023-12-26 435 0
6026 東京都心散歩(日比谷・銀座) nnemon2 2023-12-26 437 0
6025 明日12/16(土) 日本語 韓国語で話そう....... cafe123 2023-12-15 499 0
6024 サラリーメンの独り言 かすもち 2023-11-04 809 0