時事/経済 PositiveNegativeFreeStyleArguments

AI chatbotに問って見た

Is Japan"s annexation of Korea in 1910 legal under international law?

Japan"s annexation of Korea in 1910 was not considered legal under international law at the time. The annexation was done without the consent of the Korean government or the international community. It was a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Korean nation. The annexation was carried out by Japan under the pretext of protecting Korean interests, but it was widely seen as a power grab by Japan to expand its territorial and economic control in the region. It was met with widespread international condemnation and led to increased tensions between Japan and other major powers in the region, including China and Russia.


1910年日本の韓国併合は当時国際法の上合法で見なされなかった. 韓国政府や 国際社会の同意なしに編入が成り立った.


日本が韓国の国益を守るという名目で 韓日合併は日本がこの地域で領土と経済支配力を拡大するための権力掌握に認識された.

それは 広範囲な国際的非難を浴びたし日本と中国, ロシアを含んだ地域の他の強大国の間の緊張を高めました.

ネット右翼はやっぱり常識不足だった ^^;

한일 병합은 국제법상 합법입니까?

AI chatbot에 물어 보았던

Is Japan"s annexation of Korea in 1910 legal under international law?

Japan"s annexation of Korea in 1910 was not considered legal under international law at the time. The annexation was done without the consent of the Korean government or the international community. It was a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Korean nation. The annexation was carried out by Japan under the pretext of protecting Korean interests, but it was widely seen as a power grab by Japan to expand its territorial and economic control in the region. It was met with widespread international condemnation and led to increased tensions between Japan and other major powers in the region, including China and Russia.

1910년 일본의 한국 병합은 국제법상 합법적인가?

1910년 일본의 한국 병합은 당시 국제법상 합법으로 간주되지 않았다. 한국 정부나 국제사회의 동의 없이 편입이 이뤄졌다.

한국 민족의 자주권과 영토보전을 유린한 것입니다.

일본이 한국의 국익을 지키겠다는 명목으로 한일합병은 일본이 이 지역에서 영토와 경제 지배력을 확대하기 위한 권력 장악으로 인식됐다.

그것은 광범위한 국제적 비난을 받았고 일본과 중국, 러시아를 포함한 지역의 다른 강대국 사이의 긴장을 고조시켰습니다.

네트우익은 역시 상식 부족이었다 ^^;

TOTAL: 2622272

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