時事/経済 PositiveNegativeFreeStyleArguments
  • unaginoxxx
    23-01-28 12:54
    徴用工判決に対しても (野)尋ねて見てくれてw


What is the right solution to the sharp draft problem between Korea and Japan?

The issue of forced labor and “comfort women” during Japan"s occupation of Koreaduring World War II continues to be a source of tension between Japan and South Korea. The issue of compensation for forced labor and sexual slavery has been a contentious one, with both sides having different perspectives on the matter.

The right solution would likely involve a form of compensation for the victims of forced labor and sexual slavery, as well as an official apology from the Japanese government. Some suggest that Japan and South Korea should work together to establish a joint fund to provide compensation for the victims. This can be done through financial contributions from the Japanese government, businesses and individuals. It could also involve establishing educational and cultural programs to raise awareness of the issue and promote healing and reconciliation.

It"s also important that both countries engage in diplomatic dialogue to find a mutually acceptable solution. Both nations should come to an agreement with the support of international community, and the process should be transparent, inclusive and respectful to the victims.

It should also be noted that this is a complex and sensitive issue with a long history, and a final solution may not be easily reached, but both countries should continue to work towards finding a resolution that is fair and just for all parties involved.


第2次世界大戦の中で日本が韓国を占領したうちに強制労動と “慰安婦” 問題は続いて日本と韓国の間の緊張の原因になっています. その間強制徴用と性奴隷賠償問題は両側立場(入場)が行き違って争点になった.

強制徴用と性奴隷被害者に対する賠償と日本政府の公式誤りの正しい解決策になるでしょう. 一刻では日本と韓国が協力して共同基金を作って被害者たちに償わなければならないと提案する. これは日本政府, 企業及び個人の財政的寄付を通じて行われることができます. また問題に対する認識を高めて治癒と仲直りを促進するための教育及び文化プログラムを樹立することも含まれることができます.

両国が相互収容可能な解決策を捜すために外交的対話に参加することも重要です. 両国は国際社会の支援をもらって合意に到逹しなければならないし, その過程は透明で包括的で被害者を尊重しなければなりません.


Regarding Japan"s forced labor, is the Korean Supreme Court"s ruling that ordered Mitsubishi to compensate?

The issue of forced labor during Japan"s occupation of Korea during World War II is a complex and sensitive matter, and opinions on the matter may vary.

In 2018, the Korean Supreme Court issued a ruling ordering the Japanese company Mitsubishi Heavy Industries to compensate a group of South Koreans for forced labor during Japan"s occupation of the Korean peninsula. The court found that the company had used forced labor during World War II, and that the victims were entitled to compensation.

The ruling was met with strong reactions from the Japanese government, which argued that the issue of compensation for forced labor had been settled by a 1965 treaty normalizing relations between Japan and South Korea. Japan claimed that the court"s ruling violated international law and violated the principle of sovereign immunity.

However, some argue that the ruling is justifiable, as forced labor is a serious human rights violation, and the victims deserve compensation for the harm they suffered. It"s also argued that the 1965 treaty did not cover the issue of individual compensation, and that the victims have the right to seek redress in court.

It"s important to note that the issue of forced labor during Japan"s occupation of Korea is a complex and sensitive matter, with both sides having different perspectives on the matter and multiple legal opinions. It is important that both countries engage in diplomatic dialogue to find a mutually acceptable solution, and both countries should respect the final decision of the court.

日本強制徴用関連, 三菱に賠償しなさいという韓国最高裁判所判決は正当なのか

第2次世界大戦当時日本の強制徴用問題は複雑で敏感な問題であり, これに対する意見は多様なことがあります.

2018年韓国最高裁判所は日本三菱重工業に日帝強制占領期間強制徴用賠償を言い付ける判決を下した. 法院は会社が第2次世界大戦の中で強制労動をしたし被害者たちが補償を受ける資格があると判断しました.

今度判決に対して日本政府は強制徴用賠償問題が 1965年韓日国交正常化条約に解決されたと強く反撥した. 日本は法院の判決が国際法を違反して国家免除原則を違反したと主張した.

しかし一刻では強制徴用が深刻な人権侵害で被害者たちが被った被害に対して補償を受けなければならない位今度判決が正当だという主張も出る. また 1965年条約には個人補償問題が含まれていないし被害者は法廷で補償を受ける権利があると主張します.

日帝強制占領期間強制徴用問題は両側がこの問題に対してお互いに違う観点と多様な法的見解を持っている複雑で敏感な問題という点に注目するのが重要です. 両国は外交的対話を通じて相互収容可能な解決策を捜すことが重要であり, 両国は法院の最終決定を尊重しなければなりません.

징용공 판결에 대해 물었다

  •  unaginoxxx  
    23-01-28 12:54
    징용공 판결에 대해서도 (들)물어 봐 줘w


What is the right solution to the sharp draft problem between Korea and Japan?

The issue of forced labor and "comfort women" during Japan"s occupation of Korea during World War II continues to be a source of tension between Japan and South Korea. The issue of compensation for forced labor and sexual slavery has been a contentious one, with both sides having different perspectives on the matter.

The right solution would likely involve a form of compensation for the victims of forced labor and sexual slavery, as well as an official apology from the Japanese government. Some suggest that Japan and South Korea should work together to establish a joint fund to provide compensation for the victims. This can be done through financial contributions from the Japanese government, businesses and individuals. It could also involve establishing educational and cultural programs to raise awareness of the issue and promote healing and reconciliation.

It"s also important that both countries engage in diplomatic dialogue to find a mutually acceptable solution. Both nations should come to an agreement with the support of international community, and the process should be transparent, inclusive and respectful to the victims.

It should also be noted that this is a complex and sensitive issue with a long history, and a final solution may not be easily reached, but both countries should continue to work towards finding a resolution that is fair and just for all parties involved.

한일 간 흘수 문제의 올바른 해법은?

제2차 세계 대전 중 일본이 한국을 점령한 동안 강제 노동과 "위안부" 문제는 계속해서 일본과 한국 사이의 긴장의 원인이 되고 있습니다. 그동안 강제징용과 성노예 배상 문제는 양측 입장이 엇갈리며 쟁점이 됐다.

강제 징용과 성노예 피해자에 대한 배상과 일본 정부의 공식 사과가 올바른 해결책이 될 것이다. 일각에서는 일본과 한국이 협력해 공동기금을 만들어 피해자들에게 보상해야 한다고 제안한다. 이것은 일본 정부, 기업 및 개인의 재정적 기부를 통해 이루어질 수 있습니다. 또한 문제에 대한 인식을 높이고 치유와 화해를 촉진하기 위한 교육 및 문화 프로그램을 수립하는 것도 포함될 수 있습니다.

양국이 상호 수용 가능한 해결책을 찾기 위해 외교적 대화에 참여하는 것도 중요합니다. 양국은 국제사회의 지원을 받아 합의에 도달해야 하며, 그 과정은 투명하고 포괄적이며 피해자를 존중해야 합니다.

또한 이것은 오랜 역사를 가진 복잡하고 민감한 문제이며 최종 해결책에 도달하기가 쉽지 않을 수 있지만 양국은 관련 당사자 모두에게 공정하고 정의로운 해결책을 찾기 위해 계속 노력해야 합니다.

Regarding Japan"s forced labor, is the Korean Supreme Court"s ruling that ordered Mitsubishi to compensate?

The issue of forced labor during Japan"s occupation of Korea during World War II is a complex and sensitive matter, and opinions on the matter may vary.

In 2018, the Korean Supreme Court issued a ruling ordering the Japanese company Mitsubishi Heavy Industries to compensate a group of South Koreans for forced labor during Japan"s occupation of the Korean peninsula. The court found that the company had used forced labor during World War II, and that the victims were entitled to compensation.

The ruling was met with strong reactions from the Japanese government, which argued that the issue of compensation for forced labor had been settled by a 1965 treaty normalizing relations between Japan and South Korea. Japan claimed that the court"s ruling violated international law and violated the principle of sovereign immunity.

However, some argue that the ruling is justifiable, as forced labor is a serious human rights violation, and the victims deserve compensation for the harm they suffered. It"s also argued that the 1965 treaty did not cover the issue of individual compensation, and that the victims have the right to seek redress in court.

It"s important to note that the issue of forced labor during Japan"s occupation of Korea is a complex and sensitive matter, with both sides having different perspectives on the matter and multiple legal opinions. It is important that both countries engage in diplomatic dialogue to find a mutually acceptable solution, and both countries should respect the final decision of the court.

일본 강제징용 관련, 미쓰비시에 배상하라는 한국 대법원 판결은 정당한가

제2차 세계대전 당시 일본의 강제징용 문제는 복잡하고 민감한 문제이며, 이에 대한 의견은 다양할 수 있습니다.

2018년 한국 대법원은 일본 미쓰비시중공업에 일제강점기 강제징용 배상을 명령하는 판결을 내렸다. 법원은 회사가 제2차 세계대전 중 강제 노동을 했으며 피해자들이 보상을 받을 자격이 있다고 판단했습니다.

이번 판결에 대해 일본 정부는 강제징용 배상 문제가 1965년 한일국교정상화조약으로 해결됐다고 강하게 반발했다. 일본은 법원의 판결이 국제법을 위반하고 국가면제 원칙을 위반했다고 주장했다.

하지만 일각에서는 강제징용이 심각한 인권침해이고 피해자들이 입은 피해에 대해 보상을 받아야 하는 만큼 이번 판결이 정당하다는 주장도 나온다. 또한 1965년 조약에는 개인 보상 문제가 포함되어 있지 않으며 피해자는 법정에서 보상을 받을 권리가 있다고 주장합니다.

일제강점기 강제징용 문제는 양측이 이 문제에 대해 서로 다른 관점과 다양한 법적 견해를 가지고 있는 복잡하고 민감한 문제라는 점에 주목하는 것이 중요합니다. 양국은 외교적 대화를 통해 상호 수용 가능한 해결책을 찾는 것이 중요하며, 양국은 법원의 최종 결정을 존중해야 합니다.

TOTAL: 2623608

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