時事/経済 PositiveNegativeFreeStyleArguments

 Korean Connection

Ninjutsu : the most Korean of Japanese martial arts

Ninjutsu, whose popular image has retained the appearance of a ninja dressed in black, has in fact

been introduced in Japan than in the fourth century. In the war that opposed Japan to Korean

kingdoms, a new type of warriors, both spies and assassins, appeared on the Korean side.

During this period, many Koreans emigrated to the Japanese provinces of Koga and Iga (historical

birthplace of Ninjutsu). It is proven that they introduced, in addition to Buddhism and Confucianism,

many books on astronomy, geography and unconventional methods of warfare, which became the

particularly effective art that we now know…

4世紀に韓国人が 伊賀 甲賀に移り住んだそうです。   服部君もびっくりの歴史

韓国の武道  忍者もいますね

닌자, 둔갑술의 루트

Korean Connection

Ninjutsu : the most Korean of Japanese martial arts

Ninjutsu, whose popular image has retained the appearance of a ninja dressed in black, has in fact

been introduced in Japan than in the fourth century. In the war that opposed Japan to Korean

kingdoms, a new type of warriors, both spies and assassins, appeared on the Korean side.

During this period, many Koreans emigrated to the Japanese provinces of Koga and Iga (historical

birthplace of Ninjutsu). It is proven that they introduced, in addition to Buddhism and Confucianism,

many books on astronomy, geography and unconventional methods of warfare, which became the

particularly effective art that we now know...

4 세기에 한국인이 이가 코우가로 옮겨 살았다고 합니다.   핫토리군도 놀라운 역사

한국의 무도 닌자도 있군요

<iframe frameborder="0" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/g8bQHQ1mm1Q" width="640" height="360" class="note-video-clip"></iframe>

TOTAL: 2625394

番号 タイトル ライター 参照 推薦
3/31(水) パッチ内容案内させていただ… 관리자 2023-03-24 109286 14
2625394 心地良く脳が染まるように眠る|ヒ....... GreaterJapan 00:58 38 0
2625393 Mom"s Touchが急激に客が減って JAPAV57 00:56 66 0
2625392 韓国では“潜水艦”と書いて”棺桶....... Zoltraak 00:51 43 0
2625391 安物 jap (12) ca21Kimochi 00:42 61 0
2625390 日本にhelpと言える韓国人は正気なの....... (2) Zoltraak 00:35 48 0
2625389 hell朝鮮の現実 (3) Zoltraak 00:22 59 1
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2625382 GDP4位の観光地価格より高い韓国物価....... (4) ben2 05-01 40 1
2625381 ソウルには無いドライブコース (6) nippon1 05-01 67 0
2625380 韓国の先端植木鉢 (2) cris1717 05-01 52 0
2625379 今日歌  3号現る (1) 銀座界隈 05-01 52 0
2625378 肉料理の歴史が短くて出たうわごと (8) PCC777 05-01 78 0
2625377 韓国にない jap 風景 (3) ca21Kimochi 05-01 66 0
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