時事/経済 PositiveNegativeFreeStyleArguments

 Korean Connection

Ninjutsu : the most Korean of Japanese martial arts

Ninjutsu, whose popular image has retained the appearance of a ninja dressed in black, has in fact

been introduced in Japan than in the fourth century. In the war that opposed Japan to Korean

kingdoms, a new type of warriors, both spies and assassins, appeared on the Korean side.

During this period, many Koreans emigrated to the Japanese provinces of Koga and Iga (historical

birthplace of Ninjutsu). It is proven that they introduced, in addition to Buddhism and Confucianism,

many books on astronomy, geography and unconventional methods of warfare, which became the

particularly effective art that we now know…

4世紀に韓国人が 伊賀 甲賀に移り住んだそうです。   服部君もびっくりの歴史

韓国の武道  忍者もいますね

닌자, 둔갑술의 루트

Korean Connection

Ninjutsu : the most Korean of Japanese martial arts

Ninjutsu, whose popular image has retained the appearance of a ninja dressed in black, has in fact

been introduced in Japan than in the fourth century. In the war that opposed Japan to Korean

kingdoms, a new type of warriors, both spies and assassins, appeared on the Korean side.

During this period, many Koreans emigrated to the Japanese provinces of Koga and Iga (historical

birthplace of Ninjutsu). It is proven that they introduced, in addition to Buddhism and Confucianism,

many books on astronomy, geography and unconventional methods of warfare, which became the

particularly effective art that we now know...

4 세기에 한국인이 이가 코우가로 옮겨 살았다고 합니다.   핫토리군도 놀라운 역사

한국의 무도 닌자도 있군요

<iframe frameborder="0" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/g8bQHQ1mm1Q" width="640" height="360" class="note-video-clip"></iframe>

TOTAL: 2625365

番号 タイトル ライター 参照 推薦
3/31(水) パッチ内容案内させていただ… 관리자 2023-03-24 109279 14
2625325 韓国へ来れば必ず食べなさい (2) TAEOKUNN 18:50 89 0
2625324 全世界的に子供を生まないことに決....... (1) propertyOfJapan 18:50 66 0
2625323 南-朝鮮では対抗できないでしょうねw (2) linx00 18:47 108 0
2625322 大便民国は先進国ではありません。 terara 18:42 99 0
2625321 iPhone Galaxy 二つすべて使っているが, TAEOKUNN 18:38 74 0
2625320 私が JPOP の FANである証拠 w (4) TAEOKUNN 18:31 77 0
2625319 南-朝鮮にziplineはありますか?w linx00 18:13 83 0
2625318 技術の日産の対外イメージ w 신사동중국인 18:12 85 0
2625317 韓国人が日本人を殺した. (3) あかさたなはまやら 18:08 106 0
2625316 先進国の最近の漢江風景 w (10) developingjap 18:07 109 0
2625315 今年のノーベル物理学賞は、韓国 (2) 通行猫 18:05 137 0
2625314 ポンジュース最高じゃん! (4) uenomuxo 18:01 126 0
2625313 福岡でさえ、こんなに喜んでくれる....... (3) JAPAV57 17:56 116 0
2625312 韓国人と大河俳優、逮捕!!!!!....... uenomuxo 17:56 117 0
2625311 原爆焼肉 Prometheus 17:53 44 0
2625310 南-朝鮮で地震、日本に救援を求める....... (7) linx00 17:48 133 0
2625309 オレンジジュースも買い留めをしな....... (5) theStray 17:43 62 0
2625308 韓国ブルダック炒め麺は健康に悪い....... (2) ben2 17:41 85 0
2625307 こんな 500円のジャンクフード食べに....... (11) 신사동중국인 17:40 83 0
2625306 物価は暴騰するのにどうしてアパー....... theStray 17:38 55 0