時事/経済 PositiveNegativeFreeStyleArguments

 Korean Connection

Ninjutsu : the most Korean of Japanese martial arts

Ninjutsu, whose popular image has retained the appearance of a ninja dressed in black, has in fact

been introduced in Japan than in the fourth century. In the war that opposed Japan to Korean

kingdoms, a new type of warriors, both spies and assassins, appeared on the Korean side.

During this period, many Koreans emigrated to the Japanese provinces of Koga and Iga (historical

birthplace of Ninjutsu). It is proven that they introduced, in addition to Buddhism and Confucianism,

many books on astronomy, geography and unconventional methods of warfare, which became the

particularly effective art that we now know…

4世紀に韓国人が 伊賀 甲賀に移り住んだそうです。   服部君もびっくりの歴史

韓国の武道  忍者もいますね

닌자, 둔갑술의 루트

Korean Connection

Ninjutsu : the most Korean of Japanese martial arts

Ninjutsu, whose popular image has retained the appearance of a ninja dressed in black, has in fact

been introduced in Japan than in the fourth century. In the war that opposed Japan to Korean

kingdoms, a new type of warriors, both spies and assassins, appeared on the Korean side.

During this period, many Koreans emigrated to the Japanese provinces of Koga and Iga (historical

birthplace of Ninjutsu). It is proven that they introduced, in addition to Buddhism and Confucianism,

many books on astronomy, geography and unconventional methods of warfare, which became the

particularly effective art that we now know...

4 세기에 한국인이 이가 코우가로 옮겨 살았다고 합니다.   핫토리군도 놀라운 역사

한국의 무도 닌자도 있군요

<iframe frameborder="0" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/g8bQHQ1mm1Q" width="640" height="360" class="note-video-clip"></iframe>

TOTAL: 2635879

番号 タイトル ライター 参照 推薦
3/31(水) パッチ内容案内させていただ… 관리자 2023-03-24 117363 14
2635879 韓国の御託はもういい。誠意の証明....... oozinn 19:52 2 0
2635878 金日成の石碑に墨汁かける ヤンバン3 19:51 3 0
2635877 あ, 妻も編ぐらい(女便)だね載せるね........ 100VoltandFury 19:49 5 0
2635876 ボイスフィッシングとスミシングは ZENITH 19:48 8 0
2635875 くそ扱われたくなくて結婚しない. w 100VoltandFury 19:47 7 0
2635874 日本人は誠意を見せて (2) Prometheus 19:46 16 0
2635873 日本で Husbandは 主人なのに 100VoltandFury 19:44 11 1
2635872 ご主人(男便), 男のくそ? 100VoltandFury 19:38 14 0
2635871 島国土人の妄想 (2) gara 19:37 14 0
2635870 今年、日本の夏は40℃~50℃。 (3) adslgd 19:35 30 0
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2635868 加徳島 新空港果して可能だか? (1) cris1717 19:33 18 0
2635867 韓国の最高エリート集団 wwwwwwww (1) 100VoltandFury 19:33 18 0
2635866 net右翼, これからは伝統建築物で韓国....... (1) Iosifhidekitler 19:27 23 0
2635865 ムン「安倍は配慮がなかったニダ....... (6) bluebluebluu 19:24 36 0
2635864 中国人? (2) adslgd 19:22 32 0
2635863 日本人評価 (1) Computertop23 19:07 14 0
2635862 nakani とは (2) adslgd 18:58 52 0
2635861 cyontrash! w 劍鐵郞 18:56 23 0
2635860 韓銀 “1人当り国民所得日本追い越し....... (6) nakani 18:54 29 0