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The Korean name wangbeonnamu (왕벚나무, king cherry) was created in 1963 when the Korean official plant resource survey team found three trees, until then it was called sakuranamu (사쿠라나무, sakura) or teolbeonnamu (털벚나무, hairy cherry).[18][19][20][21] Wangbeonnamu means “king cherry tree” while wangbeotkkot means “king cherry blossom”. The Korean name wangbeonnamu or wangbeotkkot does not distinguish Yoshino cherry from king cherry because they have been thought to be the same species. If necessary, Yoshino cherry is referred to as someiyosino (소메이요시노), a transliteration of a Japanese name fo.r Yoshino cherry.




・・・おそろしいです (´゚д゚`)

왕앵은 1963 년생

소스는 wiki

The Korean name wangbeonnamu (, king cherry) was created in 1963 when the Korean official plant resource survey team found three trees, until then it was called sakuranamu (, sakura) or teolbeonnamu (, hairy cherry).[18][19][20][21] Wangbeonnamu means "king cherry tree" while wangbeotkkot means "king cherry blossom". The Korean name wangbeonnamu or wangbeotkkot does not distinguish Yoshino cherry from king cherry because they have been thought to be the same species. If necessary, Yoshino cherry is referred to as someiyosino (), a transliteration of a Japanese name fo.r Yoshino cherry.


기계 번역:

한국명의 원본남(, 왕앵)은, 1963년에 한국의 공적인 식물 자원 조사단이 3개의 나무를 발견한 것으로부터 태어났다.그것까지는 사크라남(, 벚꽃) 또는 테오르본남(, 모앵)으로 불리고 있었다.[18][19][20][21]원본남은 「왕벚꽃나무」를 의미해, 원봇트콧트는 「왕벚꽃」을 의미한다.한국명의 원본남 또는 원복콕은, 왕벚꽃나무와 킹·체리를 구별하고 있지 않다.필요하면, 왕벚꽃나무()로 불리는 일도 있다.

···무섭습니다 (′˚д˚`)

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