
욘씨「활동 계속을 위한 기부를 부탁합니다.단, 내가 쓰는 내용을 형편 좋게 컨트롤 하려고 하는 사람은 거절입니다 」

Monday, March 2, 2015


기부의 부탁


기부를 부탁합니다.

・PayPal로의 지불시에는 반각 모드(영숫자)로 입력해 주세요.

・크레디트 카드 결제입니다.


일본:위안부와 그 외의 건에 관한 나의 조사에 대한 자금

여러가지 의미로 자금 조달이 어려워지고 있다.제일에, 이것은 세계 규모에서 보면, 하찮은 것이다.즉 이 건은 매우 중요하지만, 동시에 세계의 스케일로부터 말하고, 흥미를 나타낼 잠재적인 독자층은 매우 한정되는 것이다.

그 밖에도 있다.흥미를 나타내는 독자의 상당수는 일본인인 것이다.이 의미로 기부를 한다고 하는 문화가 일본인에게는 없다.(기부를 서포트 베이스에 쓴것을 해 타이나 일본에서 생활해 나가는 것은 너무 좋은 생각은 아니다)

일찌기 2건의 큰 기부의 이야기가 있었다.어느쪽이나 솔깃한 이야기였다.아무래도 내가 쓰는 것을 컨트롤 할 수 있다고 생각한 것 같다.그런 일 잘 될리가 없다.아니나 다를까, 기부는 중지되었다.

현실은 이러하다.뒷마당에 오일의 저축이 충분히 없으면 아무도 일해 갈 수 없다.생활, 조사, 집필, 모두 실제로 코스트가 걸려 온다.아무리 열의를 가지고 있었다고 해도 자금융통을 할 수 없으면 일을 완수할 수 없다.

이 일이 결실을 보는 것을 보고 싶은다면 , 아무쪼록 조건 없음의, 즉 끈 없음의 기부를 부탁합니다.

정기적인 기부가 단연 베스트입니다.향후 얻을 수 있는 서포트를 예측하고 계획을 세울 수 있으므로.통역, 항공기 대금, 호텔, 이것들에는 돈이 듭니다.아무쪼록 PayPal에 의한 정기적인 기부를 검토해 주십시오.

Paypal의 행선지: Michael.Yon@gmail.com

오프 라인의 기부:

Michael Yon P.O. Box 5553 Winter Haven, Fl 33880

미국의 은행 계좌에의 기부:

*Bank Name: Bank of America

*Branch Name: Downtown Winter Haven Branch

*ABA Routing Code: 026009593

*Branch Code: (Transit Number) 1633

*Branch Address: 510 West Central Ave. Winter Haven, Fl 33880, USA


*Beneficiary"s Name: Michael Yon

*Beneficiary"s Account No.: 898063903288

*Beneficiary"s Address: P.O. Box 5553, Winter Haven, FL 33880-5553, USA

타이의 계좌에의 기부:

Bangkok Bank


Routing number: 026 008 691

Acct: 613-0-26906-8

นายไมเคิล ฟิลิป ยอน บัญชีของธนาคารไทย:



รหัสธนาคาร: 026 008 691

เลขที่บัญชี: 613-0-26906-8

นายไมเคิล ฟิลิป ยอน


Japan: Funding my Research on the Comfort Women and other Issues

Funding has become difficult for various reasons. Firstly, this is a
tiny subject on the grand scale of the world. The issue is extremely
important, but on the scale of the world, it is tiny insofar as
potential readership.

Another issue is that many readers who are interested are Japanese.
Japanese have no culture for donations in this sense. (Working in
Thailand or Japan is not a smart way to write while using donations as a support base.)

I have tried with two larger donors but both came with great baggage,
apparently thinking they could control what I write. No chance. Those
are now terminated.

The reality is that unless someone has an oil well in the backyard,
nobody can work for free. Life and research and writing all come with
real costs. No matter how much your heart is in it, if the cashflow is
not there, the work cannot be completed.

If you wish to see this work come to fruition, please consider donating
with no strings attached. By far, the best is recurring donations so
that I can plan based on the available support. Interpreters, airplanes,
hotels…this takes resources.

Please consider a recurring gift through PayPal:

Paypal: Michael.Yon@gmail.com

For offline donations you can mail check or money order to:

Michael Yon P.O. Box 5553 Winter Haven, Fl 33880

Wire transfers can be made to US or Thai banks:

*Bank Name: Bank of America

*Branch Name: Downtown Winter Haven Branch

*ABA Routing Code: 026009593

*Branch Code: (Transit Number) 1633

*Branch Address: 510 West Central Ave. Winter Haven, Fl 33880, USA


*Beneficiary"s Name: Michael Yon

*Beneficiary"s Account No.: 898063903288

*Beneficiary"s Address: P.O. Box 5553, Winter Haven, FL 33880-5553, USA

Bangkok Bank


Routing number: 026 008 691

Acct: 613-0-26906-8

นายไมเคิล ฟิลิป ยอน บัญชีของธนาคารไทย:



รหัสธนาคาร: 026 008 691

เลขที่บัญชี: 613-0-26906-8

นายไมเคิล ฟิลิป ยอน

www.paypal.com%2F&h=QAQG8mBJa&enc=AZOclCsIXPDK8Ou33Gyd-vWWjyuxRyLsWCBwQYyQecodS9FKaIueXw8Oqv9-pPM-unZiCo4ducL8WD_DZDEzt4AqotiXqxYE-nKjsPMkhJMR10jUjEKHzyWtq4keSe0maFUNDyio8e-WX-y5jDYIwpZZgdcwg2xn-_YgEEFvRsZ7Fw&s=1" rel="nofollow" style="color: #3b5998; cursor: pointer; text-decoration: none;" target="_blank">https://www.paypal.com



Monday, March 2, 2015











Paypalの宛先: Michael.Yon@gmail.com

Michael Yon P.O. Box 5553 Winter Haven, Fl 33880

*Bank Name: Bank of America
*Branch Name: Downtown Winter Haven Branch
*ABA Routing Code: 026009593
*Branch Code: (Transit Number) 1633
*Branch Address: 510 West Central Ave. Winter Haven, Fl 33880, USA
*Beneficiary"s Name: Michael Yon
*Beneficiary"s Account No.: 898063903288
*Beneficiary"s Address: P.O. Box 5553, Winter Haven, FL 33880-5553, USA

Bangkok Bank
Routing number: 026 008 691
Acct: 613-0-26906-8
นายไมเคิล ฟิลิป ยอน บัญชีของธนาคารไทย:
รหัสธนาคาร: 026 008 691
เลขที่บัญชี: 613-0-26906-8
นายไมเคิล ฟิลิป ยอน

Japan: Funding my Research on the Comfort Women and other Issues
Funding has become difficult for various reasons. Firstly, this is a tiny subject on the grand scale of the world. The issue is extremely important, but on the scale of the world, it is tiny insofar as potential readership.
Another issue is that many readers who are interested are Japanese. Japanese have no culture for donations in this sense. (Working in Thailand or Japan is not a smart way to write while using donations as a support base.)
I have tried with two larger donors but both came with great baggage, apparently thinking they could control what I write. No chance. Those are now terminated.
The reality is that unless someone has an oil well in the backyard, nobody can work for free. Life and research and writing all come with real costs. No matter how much your heart is in it, if the cashflow is not there, the work cannot be completed.
If you wish to see this work come to fruition, please consider donating with no strings attached. By far, the best is recurring donations so that I can plan based on the available support. Interpreters, airplanes, hotels...this takes resources.
Please consider a recurring gift through PayPal:
Paypal: Michael.Yon@gmail.com
For offline donations you can mail check or money order to:
Michael Yon P.O. Box 5553 Winter Haven, Fl 33880
Wire transfers can be made to US or Thai banks:
*Bank Name: Bank of America
*Branch Name: Downtown Winter Haven Branch
*ABA Routing Code: 026009593
*Branch Code: (Transit Number) 1633
*Branch Address: 510 West Central Ave. Winter Haven, Fl 33880, USA
*Beneficiary"s Name: Michael Yon
*Beneficiary"s Account No.: 898063903288
*Beneficiary"s Address: P.O. Box 5553, Winter Haven, FL 33880-5553, USA
Bangkok Bank
Routing number: 026 008 691
Acct: 613-0-26906-8
นายไมเคิล ฟิลิป ยอน บัญชีของธนาคารไทย:
รหัสธนาคาร: 026 008 691
เลขที่บัญชี: 613-0-26906-8
นายไมเคิล ฟิลิป ยอน

TOTAL: 24384

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