스포츠 PositiveNegativeRelationshipArguments










Paul Scholes: 잉글랜드에는 박지성이 필요했다









금년 4월 출판된


Andrea Pirlo의 자서전에서 말하는 박지성



Pirlo wrote of Park:


Even [Sir Alex] Ferguson, the purple-nosed manager who turned Manchester United into a fearsome battleship, couldn’t resist the temptation. He’s essentially a man without blemish, but he ruined that purity just for a moment when it came to me. A fleeting shabbiness came over the legend that night. On one of the many occasions when our paths crossed during my time at Milan, he unleashed Park Ji-sung to shadow me. The midfielder must have been the first nuclear-powered South Korean in history, in the sense that he rushed about the pitch at the speed of an electron.






今日 Englandが敗れた理由










Paul Scholes: イングランドにはパク・チソンが必要だった









今年 4月出版された


Andrea Pirloの自敍伝で言うパク・チソン



Pirlo wrote of Park:


Even [Sir Alex] Ferguson, the purple-nosed manager who turned Manchester United into a fearsome battleship, couldn’t resist the temptation. He’s essentially a man without blemish, but he ruined that purity just for a moment when it came to me. A fleeting shabbiness came over the legend that night. On one of the many occasions when our paths crossed during my time at Milan, he unleashed Park Ji-sung to shadow me. The midfielder must have been the first nuclear-powered South Korean in history, in the sense that he rushed about the pitch at the speed of an electron.







TOTAL: 314

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